Nutrition and Diagnosis-Related Care

Nutrition and Diagnosis-Related Care

Language: English

Pages: 1064

ISBN: 145119532X

Format: PDF / Kindle (mobi) / ePub

Prepare your students for effective practice with Nutrition and Diagnosis-Related Care, 8e.  Written by well-known author and nutritionist Sylvia Escott-Stump, this best-selling book provides “need to know,” condition-specific, evidence-based medical nutrition therapy information for more than 360 diseases and disorders in a unique monograph-style format that makes information easy to find. 
Revised and updated throughout, the Eighth Edition features new information on the treatment of inflammation through nutrition therapy; new and updated coverage of autism and neurodegenerative and neuropsychiatric disorders; timely information for the dietician working in a collaborative, interdisciplinary care setting.















(Ziegler et al, 2006). • To develop healthful eating patterns, introduce toddlers to foods 8 to 10 times to increase food acceptance and the likelihood of establishing healthful eating patterns (Ziegler et al, 2006). • Discuss the role of fat-soluble vitamins, their presence in whole milk, and the role of EFAs in normal growth and development of the nervous system. • Bottled waters are not a substitute for formula. Hyponatremia may result. • Fluoridated water is recommended; check the community

Early lesions of atherosclerosis begin in childhood; diet, obesity, exercise, and certain inherited dyslipidemias influence progression of such lesions (American Heart Association, 29 2006; Holmes and Kwiterovich, 2005). Good nutrition, a physically active lifestyle, and absence of tobacco use can delay or prevent the onset of cardiovascular disease (American Heart Association, 2006). • Avoid mislabeling overweight children as “fat,” which may trigger eating disorders (EDs) later. All providers

Grains and Starches to Use Freely in Celiac Disease 416 Medications for Constipation 420 Diarrhea: Etiologies, Comments and Bristol Stool Chart 421 Bristol Stool Scale 422 UNICEF/WHO Oral Rehydration Therapy 423 How to Eat More Fiber 426 Altered Stools and Related Disorders 428 Fecal Fat Study 428 Medium-Chain Triglycerides (MCTs) 429 Medications Used after Intestinal Transplantation 442 Types of Lactose Maldigestion 445 Lactose and Substitutes in Common Foods 447 Common Types of Colostomies 450

can occur, with fatigue, weakness, poor coordination, lethargy, slurred speech, and drowsiness. Give hot beverages and keep patient in a warm bed. If body temperature reaches 90ЊF, death is likely. • Support intake of antioxidants to protect the aging brain. Top choices include: grape juice, blueberries, pomegranate, papaya, kiwifruit, cantaloupe, mango, apricot, broccoli, spinach, tomato, sweet potato, and collards. • Encourage physical activity. Peer and leader encouragement for strength

ginseng, gingko biloba, valerian) specify:____________ 6. List any allergies to medications, foods, plants, or flowers _________________ 2. For how long? ___1 month or less ___3–6 months ___6–12 months ___Ͼ1 year 8. List other over-the-counter and prescription medications (such as aspirin, diuretics, heart medicines, fish oil, oral contraceptives) that you take _________________________ 3. How long will you use these supplements? ___Indefinitely ___1–6 months ___6–12 months 4. Why do you take

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