The Master Your Metabolism Calorie Counter

The Master Your Metabolism Calorie Counter

Jillian Michaels, Mariska van Aalst

Language: English

Pages: 318

ISBN: 0307718212

Format: PDF / Kindle (mobi) / ePub

The key to amping your body to its full fat-burning potential—now in your pocket!
Jillian Michaels’s Master Your Metabolism plan has already helped millions achieve hot healthy bodies naturally through nutrition and hormone balance. Now she’s made optimal health even easier by putting key resources into this on-the-go guide. No matter where you’re making your food choices—at home, dining out, or in the grocery store—this guide makes staying on the Master Plan simple and straightforward.
The Master Your Metabolism Calorie Counter is packed with information that makes it the ultimate compendium for anyone leading a Master-full life.
• Complete nutritional information for over 5,000 foods—carbs, fat, calorie, and hormone-positive, negative, or neutral counts
• Best and worst choices at dozens of national restaurant chains
• What to shop for in beauty and home-care products
• Master Disaster foods you’ll want to stay far away from!
• Hormone-positive power nutrient food lists













Blueberries Buckwheat Bulgur Cabbage Carrots Cauliflower Celery Collard greens Cranberries Cucumber Eggplant Fennel Flaxseed Grapefruit Green beans High-fiber cereal Lentils Mustard greens Oats Oranges Pistachios Raspberries Romaine lettuce Shiitake mushrooms Split peas Strawberries Swiss chard Tomatoes Turnip greens Watermelon Whey protein (not hydrolyzed) Whole grains Zucchini MASTERING THYROID Thyroid hormones help control how much oxygen your cells use, how

Lobster Mackerel Milk Mung beans Mustard greens Oatmeal Pacific cod Peanuts Pecans Pheasant Pine nuts Pork Pumpkin seeds Quail Ricotta Salmon Scallops Sesame seeds Shrimp Spinach Spirulina Sunflower seeds Tilapia Tuna Turkey Venison Walnuts Watercress Wheat germ Whey protein (not hydrolyzed) Yogurt POWER NUTRIENT FOOD GROUPS The Master Your Metabolism plan may challenge you to try whole foods you may never have tasted before. As you get used to this new way of

beans Peas* Pink beans Pinto beans Soybeans (edamame)* *Please limit to 1 serving per week. POWER NUTRIENT FOOD GROUP 2: THE ALLIUM FAMILY Best Choice: Garlic Chives Green onions Leeks Onions Shallots POWER NUTRIENT FOOD GROUP 3: BERRIES Best Choice: Blueberries Acai berries* Bilberries Blackberries Black currants Black raspberries Boysenberries Cranberries Elderberries Goji berries* Gooseberries Lingonberries Mangosteen* Maqui berries* Marionberries Pomegranate*

beans Peas* Pink beans Pinto beans Soybeans (edamame)* *Please limit to 1 serving per week. POWER NUTRIENT FOOD GROUP 2: THE ALLIUM FAMILY Best Choice: Garlic Chives Green onions Leeks Onions Shallots POWER NUTRIENT FOOD GROUP 3: BERRIES Best Choice: Blueberries Acai berries* Bilberries Blackberries Black currants Black raspberries Boysenberries Cranberries Elderberries Goji berries* Gooseberries Lingonberries Mangosteen* Maqui berries* Marionberries Pomegranate* It’s worth it. Starting the day with a good high-fiber cereal has been shown to decrease your hunger and calorie intake throughout the day. Luckily, many of the best brands are so minimally processed that they actually qualify for MYM status. Parents, check out the stats on those sugar-bomb cereals you’ve been giving your kids before school. I know they love their Froot Loops, but that crap will not give them the energy they need; it’s essentially like dumping the whole sugar bowl

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