The Kitten Who Thought He Was a Mouse (Little Golden Book)

The Kitten Who Thought He Was a Mouse (Little Golden Book)

Miriam Norton

Language: English

Pages: 24

ISBN: 0375848223

Format: PDF / Kindle (mobi) / ePub

WHEN A MOUSE family finds a helpless, homeless, newborn kitten, they decide to adopt him, name him Mickey, and raise him as one of their own . . . never telling him that he’s actually a cat!





















Golden Book Classic is a trademark of Random House, Inc. Educators and librarians, for a variety of teaching tools, visit us at Library of Congress Control Number: 2007929073 ISBN: 978-0-375-84822-3 ISBN: 978-0-307-97652-9 (ebk) Random House Children’s Books supports the First Amendment and celebrates the right to read. v3.1 Title Page Copyright First Page There were five Miggses: Mother and Father Miggs and Lester

and two sisters. They had, as field mice usually do, an outdoor nest for summer in an empty lot and an indoor nest for winter in a nearby house. They were very surprised one summer day to find a strange bundle in their nest, a small gray and black bundle of fur and ears and legs, with eyes not yet open. They knew by its mewing that the bundle must be a kitten, a lost kitten with no family and no name. “Poor kitty,” said the sisters. “Let him stay with us,” said Lester. “But a cat!” said

and two sisters. They had, as field mice usually do, an outdoor nest for summer in an empty lot and an indoor nest for winter in a nearby house. They were very surprised one summer day to find a strange bundle in their nest, a small gray and black bundle of fur and ears and legs, with eyes not yet open. They knew by its mewing that the bundle must be a kitten, a lost kitten with no family and no name. “Poor kitty,” said the sisters. “Let him stay with us,” said Lester. “But a cat!” said

raid on the leftovers. Poor Hazel! She knew she heard, even smelled, another cat, and sometimes saw a cat’s eyes shining in a corner. But no cat ever came out to meet her. How could she know that Mickey didn’t know he was a cat at all and that he feared Hazel as much as the mousiest mouse would! And so Mickey Miggs grew, becoming a better mouse all the time and enjoying his life. He loved cheese, bacon, and cake crumbs. He got especially good at smelling out potato skins and led the

out a saucerful in the daytime, too. At first Mickey would drink the milk only when he was sure Peggy and Paul were nowhere around. Soon he grew bolder and began to trust them in the room with him. And soon he began to let them come nearer and nearer and nearer still. Then one day he found himself scooped up and held in Peggy’s arms. He didn’t feel scared. He felt fine. And he felt a queer noise rumble up his back and all through him. It was Mickey’s first purr. Peggy and Paul took Mickey

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