Lobster Is the Best Medicine: A Collection of Comics About Friendship

Lobster Is the Best Medicine: A Collection of Comics About Friendship

Liz Climo

Language: English

Pages: 128

ISBN: 0762458682

Format: PDF / Kindle (mobi) / ePub

Fans have fallen in love with Liz Climo’s charmingly quirky animal kingdom, which was first featured in The Little World of Liz Climo—a place where porcupines, anteaters, and grizzly bears all grapple with everyday life with wit and humor. Now Liz returns with a book devoted to friendship. Chapter themes include “Old Friends,” “New Friends,” “Unlikely Friends,” and “Friends with Benefits.” It’s the perfect gift for a special friend.





















� 2015 by Liz Climo Published by Running Press, A Member of the Perseus Books Group All rights reserved under the Pan-American and International Copyright Conventions Printed in China This book may not be reproduced in whole or in part, in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system now known or hereafter invented, without written permission from the publisher. Books published by Running Press are

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job on The Simpsons, and that I started in a couple of days but had no money saved and no place to live, she said without hesitation, “Great! Come stay with me! You can sleep on my futon.” So that’s exactly what I did. While this was a very exciting time for me, it was a lonely one too. I left some of my best friends behind when I moved, friends I worried I would lose touch with. I started my new job and listened as my coworkers talked in the hallway and made lunch plans. I missed my group of

friends in northern California, I missed my family, and I was terrified to start my new life in L.A.. But at the end of the day, I had Andrea to keep me company and her futon to sleep on, so I knew everything would be okay. Ten years later, I am still in L.A., Andrea has moved to New York, I see my northern California friends every summer, I have an amazing group of friends here in Los Angeles, and a futon of my very own in case any of them ever needs a place to sleep. I love my friends, and I

Mya, who I still talk to every day even though we haven’t lived within 300 miles of each other in ten years. For my loyal friend Andrea, who stood by my side when nobody else would. For my loving friend Nikki, who is my touchstone in this vast city. For all of my friends, near and far, thank you for being in my life (and, while I’m at it, thanks to Facebook for making that possible). And finally, to Colin and Marlow, the loves of my life.

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