I Can't Believe it's Not Better: A Woman's Guide to Coping With Life

I Can't Believe it's Not Better: A Woman's Guide to Coping With Life

Language: English

Pages: 234

ISBN: 0889955352

Format: PDF / Kindle (mobi) / ePub

I Can't Believe It's Not Better

is a collection of stories, essays, advice, and drawings from writer and comedian Monica Heisey. Created to help you live your Best Life, this book offers tips on everything from workplace politics to sexting, from how to make your apartment look like you read design blogs to where to cry in public. Important guides like "How To Watch Literally Hours of TV At A Time" will help you sort your life out for good, while thought—provoking personal essays such as "Pizzas I Have Loved" and helpful exercises like "Are You Being Flirted With, A Quiz" provide some gravitas and perspective to help you navigate this modern world. Plus there is a very weird short story about bees.

Funny, smart and charming, this book is the perfect accompaniment to your next life crisis, or at least an easy and appropriate gift for the niece you don't know very well but want to impress.













crystals you ordered from a witch website never hurt no one neither. Approach Food and Drink Suggestions with the Fervour and Enthusiasm of a Beginner Improviser It’s not all about serious dialogue. Sometimes it’s about serious snacks. “Should we order pizza?” “Yes! AND let’s get a box of wine.” “YES, aaaand why don’t we make a big kale salad just to be fancy?” “Yes, and I’ll bring just a straight-up roll of cookie dough and no one will talk about whether or not eating raw egg in large

freelance writer, I penned four different guides to sexting. I went to a hotel in a sketchy bit of London and had a pie fight with a custard fetishist. I turned down assignments to “go gonzo” at sex parties and was offered futuristic computer-controlled sex toys to sample and review. I wrote about my sex life and, less frequently, my love life. Occasionally I would sneak in a piece about comedy, or the future of food, or a photographer whose work I enjoyed, but when the end of the month came and

behind-the-scenes that there was one piece from years ago that was still getting incredibly regular traffic. The article was called “Pee on Me: My First Golden Shower” and was the top hit when the phrase “pee on me” was searched in Canada. Every week, without fail, “Pee On Me,” was in our top-ten most visited posts. The other top-performing posts, while more current, tended to be sex confessionals and how-to’s. The picture Google Analytics paints of humanity at large is bleak but accurate: we are

you have to do this a few times a year to stay under a certain BMI. Can you provide more information about where to meet Bikini Friends, and what beaches are ideal for crossing our arms behind our backs together looking out at the sun setting into the sea? Any help appreciated, thank you. What do you do when your attractive colleague adds you and you accept the invite late at night and go on a winebased stalking spree and accidentally “like” a photo from 2008? Asking for a friend. Where is the

where you claim (not apparently tongue in cheek) that your poems are the equal of Shakespeare’s.” Eating In Bed: We CAN Have It All! You're a strong, smart, independent woman. You work hard, you play hard, and this weekend you want to spend your precious leisure time as God HERSELF intended: eating spicy foods in bed. Obviously, “Should I eat in my bed or not” is as rhetorical a question as, “Should I starve to death in the comfiest place on earth,” or “Should I just let Netflix keep on rolling

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