Cool Hand Luke: A Novel

Cool Hand Luke: A Novel

Donn Pearce

Language: English

Pages: 304

ISBN: 1560252286

Format: PDF / Kindle (mobi) / ePub

Out of his experiences working on a chain gang, Donn Pearce created Cool Hand Luke, war hero turned "pretty evil feller," whose refusal to "git his mind right" becomes part of his fellow convicts' mythology of survival.



















the detectives in Miami handcuffed his wrists and hung him over the top of a door. Then they worked on him with a piece of garden hose. But as soon as they took him down and his hands were free, Dragline took a swing at one of them, catching him right alongside the bridge of his nose and breaking the bone. Within seconds Drag was overwhelmed and knocked to the floor with blackjacks. Then they really gave it to him, working him over with their feet until finally one of the Dicks rammed the heel of

the same time to set the metal bowls ringing in an affirmative major chord. Sardonically the Cook offered to get them still another bowl but Curly was too cunning. He realized that if they ran the thing into the ground there was a serious risk of getting into trouble. They had had their fun. But they didn’t want to become Wise Guys. They left the Messhall, waddling with short, stiff-legged steps, their bellies swollen painfully. Then Curly stopped and twisted his big torso on his hips, letting

to mount the steps, hesitated and reached for the edge of the door. Painfully he pulled himself up to the first step. But he was too slow. We could see the Captain watching. And Boss Godfrey also knew that the Captain was watching. For in the complex hierarchy of the Chain Gang every boss has another boss, the purely eternal rising on high right up through the Captain and even beyond until it ultimately reaches the Great White Father himself, who reigns supreme in Tallahassee. Boss Godfrey

when the gun went off.Neither aiming nor raising his arms, Boss Godfrey fired, the bullet ricocheting off the ground right under Luke’s bare behind. But there wasn’t the slightest reaction from Luke. There was no outcry. He didn’t even flinch. It was as though he had felt nothing, as though he hadn’t even heard. Are you still shakin’ that bush, Luke? Yes suh, Boss. I’m shakin’ it all right. Again Boss Godfrey fired. Again the bullet threw sand on Luke’s behind, bouncing off the ground and

Boss Godfrey was nearby, his rifle dangling loosely in one hand. A uniformed sergeant of the Highway Patrol grappled with the Dog Boy, slapping him in the face and holding up his gun hand by the wrist. Breathing heavily, the Sheriff snapped a pair of handcuffs on Dragline and started to hustle him outside. At the same time the two shotgun guards went over to Luke. As soon as they touched him he struggled to rise to his feet. But he couldn’t stand up alone, his left arm and leg shivering, the

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