Challenging Depression: The Go-To Guide for Clinicians and Patients (Go-To Guides for Mental Health)

Challenging Depression: The Go-To Guide for Clinicians and Patients (Go-To Guides for Mental Health)

Mark Zetin

Language: English

Pages: 672

ISBN: 0393706109

Format: PDF / Kindle (mobi) / ePub

Here, both therapist and client will learn the causes of depression, how to recognize and diagnose the different iterations of depression, the wide variety of psychotherapeutic and psychopharmacological treatment options available, and how to get the most out of those treatments.

Zetin, Hoepner, and Kurth explain the causes of depression, how to recognize and diagnose the different iterations of depression, and the wide variety of psychotherapeutic and psychopharmacological treatment options available. Even more important, they show patients how to best work with their clinicians and clinicians how to best help their patients. The book is liberally sprinkled with case discussions, which demystify the treatment protocols and show the various ways that clients respond to treatment. In this book, medical professionals have a go-to desk reference for their questions about depression, and consumers have a friendly, accessible introduction to an otherwise intimidating disorder.











older adults who acknowledge that they may have mental health problems receive treatment from a health care provider, and only a fraction of those (3%) receive specialty mental health services—the lowest rate among any adult age group (NMHA, 2006). Depression in people over 65 years of age involves several features that occur more frequently than in middle adult life. These include the diagnostic challenge of differentiating new-onset from recurrent depression, cumulative losses, traumatic

2, but medication augmentation (two medications) beat medication plus CBT for probability of remission. Only about a fourth of the patients entering Step 2 treatment were willing to be randomized to CBT (Thase, Friedman, et al., 2007). The Step 2 study did not really answer the question of whether switching or augmenting was the better strategy, because the “equipoise stratified randomized” design allowed patients to make the decision about which strategy to pursue. Because this decision was not

antidepressants that treat bipolar depression appear to increase the risk of switching into mania, though this effect is often counteracted by concomitant administration of a mood stabilizer. The most interesting feature of Symbyax, when it was tested and found effective in bipolar depression, was that the rate of switching from depression into mania was identical to that of placebo. Thus depression could be treated without increased risk of inducing mania. A large 7-week study of Symbyax versus

fish oil or high dietary intake of fish can inhibit platelet aggregation, increasing the risk of bleeding, so caution should be taken when coadministering with other supplements and drugs that have antiplatelet or anticoagulant constituents including aspirin, many herbal products, and high doses of vitamin E. Caution should also be used with SSRI antidepressants, which carry GI bleeding risk. As an anti-inflammatory, very high doses of fish oil might affect immunoreactivity, which might be

of current or former partners or children due to occupation, hospitalization, or incarceration? Has the patient suffered the death of a partner or child? What has the role of the patient’s illness been in relationships with partners and children, and in the family dynamic? Describe the patient’s sexual history, including sexual orientation, beliefs, practices, and past sexual experiences. Does the patient currently use a method of birth control? Do they practice safe sex? Sociocultural Supports

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