Write to the Point

Write to the Point

Language: English

Pages: 256

ISBN: 1564146391

Format: PDF / Kindle (mobi) / ePub

This book presents proven techniques that will enable greater ease, proficiency, and clarity in writing. The conversational, instructional format walks you through the actual stages of the writing process--from planning and writing the first draft to editing and proofreading. This handbook also includes helpful guidelines to correct punctuation; lists of often-confused words; and step-by-step procedures for generating effective e-mail, memos, letters, and reports.














glossary. This document is created with the unregistered version of CHM2PDF Pilot Reader-Friendly Words If you've ever attended a party and were told to dress casually but showed up wearing business attire whereas everyone else was in shorts and sneakers, you probably began to feel not only uncomfortable but wondered if you received the same invitation. Most likely you spent the evening or afternoon commenting to everyone, "Nobody told me to wear shorts and sneakers." The list on the facing

(consider) is hidden by the helping verb and the sentence is longer than it should be: Martha will consider the proposal. Shorten Prepositional Phrases Your sentences may include phrases that begin with prepositions such as in, for, to, on, with, above, and others. One way to tighten the structure is to shorten these phrases to single words. Instead of writing: We are extending overtime in view of the fact that we need to complete several projects. Try: We are extending overtime because we

and access to lower-cost capital to expand its market base, engage in product research and development, and offer service plans to meet a wide range of customer needs and budgets. Although the passage is generally readable, the amount of details combined with its length results in information overload for the reader. Dividing this passage into smaller paragraphs produces a more accessible format: GSP Wireless, Inc. is the largest provider of mobile phone equipment and services in the South. The

Sam Fischer This document is created with the unregistered version of CHM2PDF Pilot FROM: George Woodruff DATE: April 30 SUBJECT: Status of West Palm Research & Development Center As requested, I have evaluated the current status of construction of the West Palm Research & Development Center. Unusually strong winds and heavy rains resulted in extensive delays in suppliers' ability to deliver essential materials. As a result, there is only minimal progress to report. The current mild sunny

supervisors it will never be good enough. Sometimes these people have very high standards, and that's fine, but they are unable to see that everyday business writing cannot always be flawless. These people are often perfectionists or are so concerned about their corporate image that every piece of daily correspondence, whether an e-mail or a simple memo, must be perfect. Some managers set no or conflicting writing standards, which results in confusion for their staffs and the need for

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