Why Men Are the Way They Are

Why Men Are the Way They Are

Warren Farrell

Language: English

Pages: 411

ISBN: 042511094X

Format: PDF / Kindle (mobi) / ePub

Farrell has conducted role-playing workshops with thousands of men and women for more than 20 years. His ground-breaking research is the basis for the book, which most experts agree may be one of the most extraordinary, eye-opening books of our time.











second greatest desire from the other sex (the secondary Introduction to Part 2 19 fantasy) . The pri mary and secondary fantasies represent compro­ mises both sexes make with our hidden " have it all" fantasy . If checkbook stubs reflect values , the traditional female values are the strongest . Romance novels comprise 40 percent of all paperback book sales. Six of the eleven top-selling magazi nes arc traditional women's magazines (Better Homes and Gardens outsells Pla\'bov and Pemhouse

'average' family. " Now suppose Mary real izes that she ' s fal len in love with an image . And she finds Phil doesn't have the time for her that she needs. She needs someone to need her more . She calls her parents and tells them she 's decided to ask Phil not to come over What Women Want: The Message the Man Hears 43 for Christmas until she can 'get herself together. · Imagine Mary ' s parents calling their friends. Calling their neighbors . Cal ling the paper. Facing how many special

men attend. What if they gave sex ism and no one came? The Back to Home Movement ( September 1 984) runs a cover story : ' ' I ' m Sick of Work: The Back to Home Movement . " Imagine . on the front cover .of . Playboy , · ' I ' m Sick of Work: The Back to Home Movement . A n d yet we think of the playboy as not Ladies ' Home Journal What Women Want: The Message the Man Hears 45 being commitment-oriented , as wanting to keep his options open. In Working Woman (November I 984) there is a

Hope and David Bowie . Would George Bush be picked out from a crowd of men for his sexiness were he not vice president? Pets-of-the-Month and Playboy centerfolds do not have to be famous . Or powerful . They can be , but they don 't have to be . The framework is different. Imagine Penthouse or Playboy choos­ ing Betty Friedan and a famous female transvestite as two of the sexiest women of the year? Look at the subtle ways this message is run throughout videos and movies . Rent a videotape of Reds

of woman a different type of boy might earn attention by becoming newspaper editor or student-body president . That was my route . For others , it might be speeding in a flasny convertible . Marc , a man in our men ' s group, verbalized some of his own decisions during a meeting. The topic was the first crush that we never told anyone about . Marc started : "In the eighth grade I had a crush on Janice . She had a sweet , innocent face , gorgeous hair , and great breasts . At basketball games, I '

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