Vampires: The Recent Undead

Vampires: The Recent Undead

Paula Guran

Language: English

Pages: 430

ISBN: 1607012545

Format: PDF / Kindle (mobi) / ePub

The undead are more alive today than ever. Immortal? Indeed! Nothing has sunk its teeth into twenty-first century popular culture as pervasively as the vampire. The fangsters have the freedom to fly across all genres and all mediums - there''s even apps for vamps. Whether roaming into romance, haunting horror, sneaking into science fiction, capering into humor, meandering through mystery - no icon is more versatile than the vampire. Slake your insatiable thirst with the best sanguinary stories of the new millennium: terrifying or tender, deadly or delicious, bad-ass or beneficent, classic or cutting-edge.




















flickering shadows. Fray Juan sat at the edge of the bed. Arrayed elsewhere stood four men, fierce-looking. The demons. He felt trapped by the shadows that had invaded his dreams. They would destroy him. In a panic, he waited for the jolt of blood, the racing heartbeat that would drive him from the bed, allow him some chance of fighting and escaping. But he felt nothing. He put his hand around his neck and felt . . . nothing. No pulse. He wanted to sigh—but he had not drawn breath. He had only

to the throne. A woman then had few legal recourses. Ah, but did I not have the last laugh? You see, the blood not only changed my skin but it altered every aspect of my being, body and soul. Not only did I return to youth, but that youth became eternal, and my taste for blood infinite. When I stopped eating, they finally opened the tower door. But I was not there! My body, you see, has never been found. The pathetic paraszt who resided near Nádasdy Castle have insisted for centuries, to this

quiet existence in a quiet little town. I’ve also decided to write a book. Why not? Look at a current bestseller list. The one hot topic on all the charts is vampire romance. Who is in a better position to write about vampire romance than a female vampire who has certainly experienced her share of romance? And besides, it’s a chance to set the record straight, albeit under the ruse of fiction, about many things having to do with living a modern vampire life. It’s not all bad. Not by a long shot.

been affected. “Jez,” said Manser. “Get the girl.” Sarah leapt at Knowlden as he strode into the pack but a stiff arm across her chest knocked her back against the wall, winding her. He extricated Laura from her guardians and dragged her kicking back to his boss. Manser was nodding his head. “Nice work, Jez. You can have jelly for afters tonight. Get her outside.” To Sarah he said: “Give her up.” And then he was gone. Slumped on the floor, Sarah tried to blink a fresh trickle of blood from

to make her daughter turn back to her. She picked up Maddie’s work bag. And stared. One of the place mats had been completed. But the figure of the lady had been embroidered in shades of black and it was standing in the midst of scarlet roses and tall purple lilies. It was cleverly done: every fold and flounce was picked out . . . but Margaret found it rather disturbing. She was glad that the poke bonnet hit the figure’s face . . . She looked up to realize that Maddie was looking at her almost

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