Unity 3D Game Development by Example Beginner's Guide

Unity 3D Game Development by Example Beginner's Guide

Language: English

Pages: 384

ISBN: 1849690545

Format: PDF / Kindle (mobi) / ePub

The book takes a clear, step-by-step approach to building small, simple game projects. It focuses on short, attainable goals so that the reader can finish something, instead of trying to create a complex RPG or open-world game that never sees the light of day. This book encourages readers hungry for knowledge. It does not go into gory detail about how every little knob and dial functions - that's what the software manual is for! Rather, this book is the fastest path from zero to finished game using the Unity 3D engine. If you've ever wanted to develop games, but have never felt "smart" enough to deal with complex programming, this book is for you. It's also a great kick-start for developers coming from other tools like Flash, Unreal Engine, and Game Maker Pro.





















or draw, the model. That's why you may have heard that game artists need to produce low-polygon (or low-poly) count models, while film and teevee artists are free to produce high-poly count models. In film or teevee, a shot only has to be rendered once before it's committed to a frame of the movie forever. But, video game engines like Unity have to constantly draw and redraw models on the fly. The fewer the polygons, the faster the game will potentially run. [ 63 ] Game #1: Ticker Taker A

settings we give it. So, while you can move a light around your scene just like the Ball or the Paddle, there's no actual geometry or triangles comprising the light. Lights aren't made of triangles, they're made of data. In Unity, as in many 3D programs, lights are represented by icons (or as Unity calls them—"gizmos"), with lines indicating their direction or their area of influence. Time for action – add a light Let's add one of these virtual lights to our Scene so that we can see our objects

5. Press the Play button to test the game. [ 135 ] Game #2: Robot Repair Order! Order! The order in which you add scenes to the Build List matters. Scenes appear from the top down. If you put your title scene at the bottom of the list, it won't appear first when you build or export your game. If you added the scenes in the wrong order, you can easily reorder them by clicking-and-dragging the scenes around in the Build List. Now that both of our scenes are on the Build List, the

place on a grid! Grids are used in inventory screens, in image galleries, and on level select screens. A* (A-star), a popular method for moving characters around obstacles on the screen ("pathfinding"), can also use grids. In fact, your entire computer display is a grid of square pixels. Mastering the grid is key to mastering game development. You'll use grids again and again, from the main mechanic to the interface to perhaps even the high score table at the end of the game. The 2D array method

back over). The last checkbox awaits: detecting victory and showing the endgame message with a Play Again button. Onward, to victory! Endgame With the amount of emotional and temporal engagement you're expecting from your players with this game, it would be criminal to skimp on the endgame. Let's close the loop by showing the player a congratulatory message with an option to play again when we detect that all of the matches have been found. Time for action – check for victory Our matchesMade,

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