The Synonym Finder
J.I. Rodale
Language: English
Pages: 1361
ISBN: 0446370290
Format: PDF / Kindle (mobi) / ePub
With a simple alphabetical arrangement this book has been expanded to include thousands of new words and expressions that have entered the language in recent years, and includes clearly labelled slang and informal words and expressions.
dismay, perturb, aggravate, exasperate, bother, chafe, rankle, ruffle, nettle. 5. disappoint, sadden, grieve; frustrate, thwart. 6. humiliate, shame, humble, mortify, abase, disgrace; embarrass, abash, disconcert. chagrined, adj. vexed, annoyed, irritated, put out, irked, aggravated, exasperated, perturbed, dismayed, displeased, ruffled, nettled, bothered; disappointed, frustrated, dejected, downcast, sad, unhappy, despairing, desponding, despondent; humiliated, ashamed, embarrassed, mortified,
184 abstracted, be absorbed, be immersed, be engrossed, concentrate, focus, put one's mind to; muse, ponder, brood, mull over, dwell on, be in a brown study; reflect, ruminate, chew over, chew one's cud, rack one's brains, cudgel one's brains. 2 . deliberate, excogitate, take to heart, consider, Archaic, perpend; weigh, evaluate, study, revolve, review, turn over, examine, con; think about or over, have one's mind on, wonder about, consider, speculate, surmise, suppose, conjecture, theorize,
suffering, distress, bereavement, Archaic, bale, storm and stress, sea of troubles; infelicity, ill or bad luck, hard luck, ill or bad fortune, ambsace, evil eye, evil wind, dark cloud or star, storm clouds; trouble, the devil to pay; trial, tribulation, burden, weight, load. 2. mishap, mischance, miscarriage, misadventure, Scot, and North Eng. mishanter or mischanter, glitch, casualty, accident; shock, blow, nasty or staggering blow, buffet, stroke, stroke of bad luck or fortune; reverse,
captivate, fascinate, charm, spellbind; entrance, enrapture, transport, enravish, transfix; titillate, tickle, interest, delight; arouse, rouse, incite, whet, stimulate; induce, persuade, prevail upon, bribe, suborn; attract, appeal, draw, magnetize, hypnotize, sway, mesmerize. allurement, n. 1 . charm, magnetism, appeal, attraction; fascination, enchantment, entrancement, bewitchery, bewitchment; captivation, seduction, seducement, ensnarement, entrapment. 2. temptation, enticement, lurement,
contemplation, envisagement, envisionment. 2. expectation, prospect, thought; hope, hopefulness, faith, trust; confidence, assurance, certainty. 3. presentiment, premonition, preapprehension, foreboding, previous notion, vague idea, feeling, Inf. funny feeling, Inf. hunch; intimation, hint, suggestion. 4. intuition, foreknowledge, foresight, forefeeling, prescience, precognition, prevision, second sight, sixth sense. anticipative, adj. 1 . expectant, expecting, in expectation, anticipating,