The Power of No: Because One Little Word Can Bring Health, Abundance, and Happiness

The Power of No: Because One Little Word Can Bring Health, Abundance, and Happiness

James Altucher, Claudia Azula Altucher

Language: English

Pages: 240

ISBN: 1401945872

Format: PDF / Kindle (mobi) / ePub

     How many times have you heard yourself saying yes to the wrong things—overwhelming requests, bad relationships, time-consuming obligations? How often have you wished you could summon the power to turn them down? This lively, practical guide helps you take back that power—and shows that a well-placed “No” can not only save you time and trouble, it can save your life.
     Drawing on their own stories as well as feedback from their readers and students, James Altucher and Claudia Azula Altucher clearly show that you have the right to say no: To anything that is hurting you. To standards that no longer serve you. To people who drain you of your creativity and expression. To beliefs that are not true to the real you. When you do, you’ll be freed to say a truly powerful “Yes” in your life—one that opens the door to opportunities, abundance, and love.














was replaced by quantum mechanics was replaced by … Everyone thought the economy would disappear in 2009. Sometimes Western medicine is right. Sometimes Eastern medicine is right. In the 1970s people wrote books saying the world would have no food by 1980. Or that the world would be overpopulated. Most people think marriage will last forever. Most people think their children can do no wrong. Family thinks you should show up at every wedding and for every family occasion. Everyone is wrong

families, learning from them, and moving on. But every religion actually started with a No first: to family and then to establishment. And then to friends. And then to culture. This is not to say join a religion. In fact, religion often becomes the establishment within a few short generations after its creator leaves. As you reach inside to find the No, you will often find yourself at odds with establishment. Be prepared. That’s right; we only had one rule in mind when we said here are some

figuring out how to offer services on their own. Money won’t solve all of your problems, but it will solve your money problems. Don’t let them take your money so they can keep you in slavery. You want to own your time. To own your work. To own the value you create for others. To own your thoughts. To protect yourself so nobody can fire you. Not to be owned by the bank or the government or a boss. Not to be owned by your relationships. “I can’t just quit my job!” you might say. And we agree

is that every time I hurt myself, there was a No I did not respect. I (James) have often said yes before I was ready. I would say yes to relationships that I wasn’t mature enough to handle. Or yes to opportunities that I squandered. Or yes to doing things I did not want to do. What happens during those moments? You can get sick. You can squander the energy you build up. You can physically hurt yourself. You can get depressed. You can fail. You end up spending precious time when you could’ve

forward. Saying No to People You Know Are Not Good for You CLAUDIA: In the autumn of 2002 I fell in love with Tim. At least that’s what I told myself as I walked out of the bookstore floating on air. To be fair, what I really did was project all the qualities I wished I had onto him, and then loved him for them. Funny, it’s so easy to go unconscious when it comes to romantic relationships. He was a piano virtuoso. He had talent, and he had money. I had a job I hated and nothing to show for

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