The Machinic Unconscious: Essays in Schizoanalysis (Semiotext(e) / Foreign Agents)
Felix Guattari
Language: English
Pages: 0
Format: PDF / Kindle (mobi) / ePub
cases: -Territorialized fields of enunciation do not correspond to only one dominant type of analogical transformation; they can easily bring into play symbolic, diagrammatic, and signifying transformations (example: the speech of primitive societies as it "refuses" the reductive effectS of generative signifying componentS is based upon relatively symbolic interpretative techniques; but this refusal "emptily" implies the threat of a signifying economy). - The individuation of the cnunciadon,
reference of contents to dominant significations. The ultimate paradigm of faciality is an "it's just like that," an expression of a semiological antp tk force establishing that, once and for all, "that" will always mean something. The "thing" is identified, located on various abstract coordinates, grasped, prevented from fleeing or escaping the system of significations, and kept from threatening the reigning socio-semiotic order. Such a coup tk force is inseparable from scrategies of power
pre-established order, a necessary harmony, or a systemic universal of anything. Rcne Thorn, who knew how to denounce the "dream of information theory" with humor, or rather the dream of those whose hopes depend upon a set of formal systems and morpho-genesis,' perhaps did not come to the end of his intuition. Does he not lend himself to the brunt of his own criticism when he sets out in search of a system of algorithms that would be able to give an account of every morphogenetic change, of
finally starts to treat pragmatics seriously, but one endeavors to constitute it via a restrictive mode. It is treated in the 24 I The Machin•c Unconsci(JUS manner of signifying contents; the semantic as well as pragmatic fields are flattened, structuralized and finally forced to remain dependent on syntactic and phonological maclllnes. Admittedly, we are referring to systems much more elaborate than those of Martinet's structuralism, but the pragmatic components are always supposed to 6t at
"macbinic creativity" of a system and its belonging to a machinic and historical phylum does not concern systems of signs and codes as such, bur assemblages that articulate these systems via abstract machines. (The assemblage itself conceived as the manifestation of the more functionalist side, abstract machinisms being the more construcrivisr side.) Thus there is not on one side the small blocks of a semiological construction and, on the other, an amorphous mass of the possible. T he possible is