The Best American Mystery Stories 2013
Language: English
Pages: 448
ISBN: 0544034600
Format: PDF / Kindle (mobi) / ePub
A best-selling novelist and Edgar Award winner, Lisa Scottoline brings her mastery of the thriller genre as well as her wit and heart to this collection of the must-reads in mysteries.
“And what schooling has he had? I aim to board a teacher this winter, and he can pick up some there if he’s eager.” The matron wrote on the slate, which I wore around my neck: “Ernie, wouldn’t you like to go with this nice, kind lady and have a nice, good home?” And I wrote back, “Yes, ma’am.” But Miss Thyrza wasn’t one to leap before looking, so she said she’d take me on trial from Friday till Monday. When I explained to the boys how it was, they all went without apples for dinner and gave
citizenry that acts as if its police department is an occupying army. New Orleans has always been the hardest city in America to police. It’s a city of great promise and great disappointment, where the good times roll and crime is always around the corner. The New Orleans Police Department is understaffed, underpaid, undertrained, and held up to standards few humans can achieve. And most of the time the men and women in blue feel alone. The New York Times bestselling, award-winning author
barely breathe. “I was working, Jimmy.” “Yeah, that’s what Mrs. Peabody said. So I decided to come surprise you. Give you somethin’ to celebrate.” He swung an arm wide to take in the humanity around him. “Seems you found somethin’ else already, huh?” It was all Peg could do to keep from flinching. Surreptitiously she looked around them, wanting only to get out of the middle of this crowd. If Jimmy really was in a mood, she didn’t want to be here. “Oh, did you see the kids?” She tried to smile.
asked, when she called from a hotel in Inuvik to tell him where she’d gone. Zoë’s husband, Peter, had been dead for four weeks. She had given up the apartment, sold or given away all of her belongings. People were concerned. “Trying to find myself,” she said, which wasn’t at all true but had the desired effect of slightly reassuring her family. Losing herself wasn’t enough. Zoë wanted to erase herself. She wanted extremity. She wanted to be eradicated, but she didn’t want to die. When she left
until the sun’s up. It’s too cold.” “But he’s dying.” “I know.” “Don’t you care?” “I do.” Henry continued staring out the window. “We’ll leave at sunrise. I promise.” Sam eyed the bloody bag sitting on the floor. “What’s in the bag?” “Money,” Henry said. “Don’t touch it.” “I shouldn’t have poked him with that stick.” “It wasn’t your stick that hurt him. He was shot.” Sam started to cry. Henry stared at the floor. He heard the rattle in Jacob’s lungs and remembered the same sound at his