The Art of Persuasion: Winning Without Intimidation

The Art of Persuasion: Winning Without Intimidation

Bob Burg

Language: English

Pages: 240

ISBN: 0768413001

Format: PDF / Kindle (mobi) / ePub

What if you could get what you want... when you want it...and from whomever has it?

The Art of Persuasion teaches you how to get what you want when you want it. You would love to have that ability, right?

After studying some of the most successful men and women in modern history, author Bob Burg noticed how many common characteristics these people have - and shares them all with you.

One trait that stands above all the rest is their ability to win people over to their way of thinking - they were all persuasive. Each of these life winners had a burning desire, coupled with great creativity, and a total, unshakable belief in their mission or cause.

Winning principles you will learn include:

  • Making People Feel Important
  • Everything is Negotiable
  • Dealing with Difficult People
  • Persuasion in Action
  • What Sets You Apart from the Rest
  • Nuggets of Wisdom

Presented in everyday, clear, and often humorous language, The Art of Persuasion leaves an impression on you that will last a lifetime - filled with one success after another!














The Art of Persuasion.indd 42 9/21/11 9:31 AM Know You, Like You, Trust You don’t love or are not even related to? Primarily because the thrill of the added money or accomplishment is no longer their driving force. They are used to their own success, but becoming a hero in someone else’s eyes, sharing in another’s success, and simply being helpful for the sake of being helpful and adding to another person’s life, all feels really good. The same goes for this person from whom you’re asking for

9:31 AM T HE A R T OF P ERSU A SION service desk. The preoccupied prospect you’re calling who can barely give you the time of day. Your boss…your employees…the hit-and-run hopeful who helps you spill your coffee on the way to work…the list goes on and on. Please don’t get me wrong. It’s not that everyone alive is nasty or an example of bad manners. But I read recently that 61 percent of the American public thinks their fellow citizens are rude! If they’re right, that means that if you’re not

others is to smile at them.” Very true! Dale Carnegie devoted an entire segment of his great book, How To Win Friends & Influence People, to this single fact. -89- The Art of Persuasion.indd 89 9/21/11 9:31 AM T HE A R T OF P ERSU A SION While my smile is genuine, I also know it is one of my most effective tools when transacting with others. Very few people smile without a particular reason. Thus, by smiling, you give yourself a distinct advantage over everyone who is not smiling. Get that

9/21/11 9:31 AM T HE A R T OF P ERSU A SION Lincoln looked for the good in both of them, the similarities he had with them. He found there were many, including an abiding love for and a deep commitment to their country. He began spending more time getting to know each man and having them get to know him. He was able to turn them into two of his closest and most loyal allies. That’s a leader! Remember the saying, “A mighty person is one who can control his emotions and make of an enemy a

else. If we can get past that and simply admit when we’re -177- The Art of Persuasion.indd 177 9/21/11 9:31 AM T HE A R T OF P ERSU A SION wrong, we’ll have one more effective power tool we can plug in and use for increasing our effectiveness with others. In his powerful book, Dynamic People Skills, Dexter Yager writes, “One thing I do when potential conflicts arise with people is to apologize. Most people are afraid to apologize for anything at all. That’s because they don’t understand

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