Ten Steps to Relieve Anxiety: Refocus, Relax, and Enjoy Life

Ten Steps to Relieve Anxiety: Refocus, Relax, and Enjoy Life

H. Michael Zal

Language: English

Pages: 240

ISBN: 0882824503

Format: PDF / Kindle (mobi) / ePub

Are you having trouble concentrating or does your mind simply “go blank,” are you experiencing shortness of breath or rapid heartbeat, trouble sleeping, irritability, muscle tension or aches, sweating, nausea or diarrhea on a daily basis? Do your feelings of anxiety disrupt your social activities or interfere with work, school, family or personal life?

You are not alone. 6.8 million American adults and millions more worldwide suffer from Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD). In Ten Steps to Relieve Anxiety, Dr. H. Michael Zal utilizes his over forty years of experience to explore the emotional and physical aspects of anxiety and the treatment options available, then sets out his strategy.

Dr. Zal illustrates his proven, simple yet effective techniques and treatments to handle anxiety in ten easy-to-follow steps. Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) is not a character flaw; it is a serious but treatable disorder and Ten Steps to Relieve Anxiety is the perfect tool to regain control over your anxiety.





















happen instantly, but over time I have gotten to the point where I can clear my mind in five minutes and actually not feel anxiety for that time in meditation. I also feel it affects the stress level of the rest of my day in a positive way. My spiritual leader also taught me that ‘We are all alone. God is inside us.” This idea has helped me be less dependent on others. “After taking a class from a Reiki Master, I learned to perform Reiki on myself. Reiki is the movement of spiritual energy or Qi

and your capacity for introspection. I find that a combined approach is effective for most people. All types of therapy have certain general goals: teaching coping skills, helping boost self-confidence and encouraging a feeling of increased control. Therapy needs to promote emotional growth, a more adult point of view and realistic expectations of people and situations. It can allow people to talk and release feelings, place things in perspective and encourage goal-directed behavior. In life, as

anxious. By helping you become aware of inaccurate or negative thinking, cognitive therapy allows you to view challenging situations more clearly and respond to them in a more effective way. Here is what you will be asked to do: 1. Identify situations that trouble or worry you. These may include such things as financial issues, family matters, a medical condition, grief, anger or symptoms of a specific mental illness. You and your therapist will spend time prioritizing and deciding what problems

supplements. I feel a constant battle in my head. I get to a point that I just do not care what is wrong or right. I worry that I will never see the light and I will always be in the dark. It brings me to a point that I just want to run and never be found. It took me to such a low feeling that I could not go even one day without tears. I felt like I was in the bowels of hell. I cried unstoppably in the shower. I wound up on my knees just crying and feeling below nothing. I could go on but really

“smart, feisty and sexy. There was something about her. We had intelligent conversations. We talked about stuff. She was the first person with whom I had ever had a serious conversation. We found that we both had been going out with a lot of people and were unfulfilled. We hit it off. We found that we were a lot alike.” They continued to date and were married the following year. Lana took over the family business when her father died and still ran it on a daily basis. Stan and Lana had a long and

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