Strange Perspectives Volume 1: The Memoirs of Mike Najarian (From the Band State Radio)

Strange Perspectives Volume 1: The Memoirs of Mike Najarian (From the Band State Radio)

Mike Najarian, Carol Najarian, Matt Medium, Chuck Fay America

Language: English

Pages: 296

ISBN: 2:00266930

Format: PDF / Kindle (mobi) / ePub

Filenote: PDF retail from EBL. BookBaby have created it by taking their nice epub and converted to PDF + pagination rather than the typical beautiful PDF imprint
Author note: Carol Najarian (Editor), Matt Medium (Illustrator) , Chuck Fay America (Foreword)

Strange Perspectives is known for its witty and humorous short stories and observations. These memoirs cover many aspects of Mike Najarian's life including his adventures as the drummer of the politically conscious, socially aware, and internationally touring band State Radio.

Volume 1 covers his dealings with Slash of Guns N' Roses, Jerry Cantrell of Alice in Chains, Tom Morello of Rage Against the Machine, Mike Mills of R.E.M., Dave Matthews of the Dave Matthews Band, Perry Farrell of Jane's Addiction, Cam Neely of the Boston Bruins, and Wyc Grousbeck (the owner of the Boston Celtics) just to name a few.

Although Strange Perspectives is light, fun, and easy to read it also digs deep into the human condition and displays a diversity of ideas and topics that make it a complete and well-rounded piece of writing.




















paying off. We pounded out the rest of our set and thanked the crowd for actually giving us a listen, as it was amazing to play in front of so many people as an opener. It turned out that a lot of people did listen to us, and like us, because when we went back to that area the next year we had a ton of kids show up and say they saw us at the Incubus show. And this time they went crazy! German crazy, as I had mentioned before, is like nothing you have seen before. It was awesome. In speaking with

travels with the band frequently. He is known in the State Radio world as ‘Shells’. He got the nickname because one day we were backstage with the State Radio crew and there was a plate full of mussel shells all piled on one plate. Someone exclaimed, “Wow look at all those shells!”. “That would be a cool nickname for someone, Shells. Does anyone not have a nickname?” Sybil said. “What’s up guys?” DiRamio says as he is walking over to the table with a huge plate of food. “That’s it!” Sybil

he would have to transfer throughout his body. He might have this ball of energy in his hands and then he would eat it and it would be in his mouth and then stomach and then he would grab it and put it in his legs and then his arms… He was having a pretty fun time demonstrating on mushrooms. I have always thought of Chad as a jack of all trades in regards to performing. I think he was probably a court jester in a past life. He can entertain in so many ways. He was a great theatre performer in

training so you have to go. Take me, for example, I’ve always been a skinny guy. Growing up, everyone was like, “You are so thin! Good for you!”. Good for me?! No way. Who likes to be as skinny as a rail, with no muscle mass and scoliosis to boot? I had to hold on to a brick in a storm to avoid flying away. This was unacceptable. What if I had to get naked with a chick and then all my bones stuck into her in weird places, or I had to do a snuggle session and she couldn’t find a nice nest of

Christine. Well, 11:15 went to 11:20 went to 11:25, and there was still no Christine. Now Chuck and Ondra knew of the dilemma and we had 5 minutes until van call. Now we were starting to get worried. Christine didn’t have an international cell phone either and, honestly, I doubt she even knew the name of the hotel! I had done a quick run through of the nearby blocks and hadn’t seen her. I was starting to almost get panicked. 189 Where could she be? We went over the scenarios. The most logical

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