Storm Over The Land: A Profile of the Civil War

Storm Over The Land: A Profile of the Civil War

Carl Sandburg

Language: English

Pages: 290


Format: PDF / Kindle (mobi) / ePub

Taken mainly from Abraham Lincoln: The War Years. 60 halftones from photographs; 98 drawings, maps, and sketches.
















would reduce to a verdict of both sides making war as war had always been made, with results of suffering distributed alike among good and bad people, the innocent with the guilty—and meaning brought to the word “agony.” The so-called laws of war were being violated, as in former wars, on both sides. “Andersonville” in the North meant horror beyond words. A 27-acre piece of marshland in southwestern Georgia, fenced and stockaded for Union prisoners, bare of trees and hiding-places, was

on, 5–6, 14, 22, 74–76, 79–80, 85–87, 92, 231–35, 263–65, 278, 304, 308–16, 378; illus. of home, 6; cartoon, 52; photo, 145 Lincoln, Mary Todd (Mrs. Abraham), 419 Lincoln, Thomas Todd (“Tad”), 394 Little Round Top, Gettysburg (’63), 197 Locke, David R. (“Petroleum V. Nasby”), quoted, 19 Logan, Gen. John A., 187, 238, 352–53 Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, on his wounded son, 256 Longstreet, Gen. James, CSA, 145–48, 160, 194, 198–99, 210–12, 228, 401 Lookout Mountain, Tenn. (’63), 225–26;

failings that were witnessed in McClellan after the Battle of Antietam—a want of alacrity to obey, and a greedy call for more troops which could not . . . be taken from other points.” The next great battle, it seemed to many, would be a duel between Meade and Lee, somewhere in Pennsylvania, at Philadelphia, Chambersburg, Harrisburg, perhaps Gettysburg. Welles pondered what Lee’s men might do “should they cross the Susquehanna.” So did Lincoln, the country, the press, the pulpit, the man in the

horses in a poor country, burning his own wagons, swimming his men across Jackson’s River, capturing 200 prisoners and 150 horses, his own losses figured at 6 men drowned, 1 officer and 4 men wounded, reporting to Washington on December 21, “My command has marched, climbed, slid and swam 350 miles since the 8th instant.” The Union Navy was tightening its blockade of the enemy. More than 1,000 vessels had been captured; prizes amounted to $13,000,000. Of the 578 vessels built or being built, 75

popularity and fame, out of nothing much to start with. His string of combats and victories had won the imagination of many who wanted the war to end soon in favor of the Union. And Grant, the plain, plodding, short, stoop-shouldered Grant, with no put-on, no show-off about him, seemed to be the hero they had been looking for. He had captured two armies and routed a third, his dramatic actions touched with shock and surprise. Donelson was the first Union shout from early darkness, Vicksburg an

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