Star Time (Zigzag Kids)

Star Time (Zigzag Kids)

Patricia Reilly Giff

Language: English

Pages: 80

ISBN: 0375859128

Format: PDF / Kindle (mobi) / ePub

In the fourth book in the Zigzag Kids series, it's showtime at the  Zelda A. Zigzag Afternoon Center. Gina loves to sing and she's determined to be the star of the play. She's already told everybody she knows to come see her. But her friend Destiny wants to be the star, too!
















She sang it under her breath. Everyone didn’t have to know about it just yet. CHAPTER 5 STILL MONDAY Gina went to find Mitchell. She sang all the way down the hall. She’d have to do something about her hair. How could she be a star with straight-as-a-string hair? If only she hadn’t used up all of Destiny’s Curls Galore gel. She thought of Grandma Maroni’s loopy pearls. It made her sad. But Grandma Maroni said she didn’t mind. “I have a drawerful of look-like-real jewels,” she said.

Today Gina was wearing her star shirt. Best of all, she had on Grandma Maroni’s loopy pearls. They hung down almost to her knees. It was all because a used-to-be-famous actress was coming to the Center. Maybe in a limousine. Her name was Madam Ballantine. She was going to tell them about acting. Gina knew that part already. She was going to talk about stars, too. That was what Gina wanted to hear. “Mi-mi-mi,” Gina sang to herself. She’d never been a star. Not once in her whole life. But

diamonds on it. It had roses down the front. It was gorgeous. The girl was singing a little. “Tra-la.” She had flowers in her hand. Gina leaned over. She whispered to Mitchell, “See. It’s good to have singing.” This is a perfect play, Gina thought. It is about a princess and a frog. The cat reached out with one paw. Would it catch the frog? Gina took a deep breath. Poor frog. But the cat sat back. It licked its paw. It seemed as if the cat were smiling. But Gina knew what would come

frog,” she said. “The princess could kiss the frog.” Mitchell looked up for a second. “This is like the play we saw.” Gina nodded. “Then the frog turns into—” “Perfect,” Peter said. “The frog turns into an alien. It eats the whole planet.” “Maybe the princess’s leg, too,” said Mitchell. “Wait a minute,” Gina said. “It’s a nice frog.” Peter and Mitchell looked at her. “Well,” she said, “it could be a bad frog. But the princess has to save the planet.” The auditorium door opened again.

Hollis Woods. Lily’s Crossing was also chosen as a Boston Globe–Horn Book Honor Book. Her most recent books for older readers include Storyteller, Wild Girl, and Eleven. Other books in the Zigzag Kids series include Number One Kid, Big Whopper, and Flying Feet. Patricia Reilly Giff lives in Connecticut. ALASDAIR BRIGHT is a freelance illustrator who has worked on numerous books and advertising projects. He loves drawing and is never without his sketchbook. He lives in Bedford, England.

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