Sex Lives of the Dictators

Sex Lives of the Dictators

Nigel Cawthorne

Language: English

Pages: 152


Format: PDF / Kindle (mobi) / ePub

Prion’s internationally bestselling Sex Lives series presents lighthearted accounts of the sexual escapades of major figures in history, politics, religion, the arts, and film. Irreverent and gossipy, the books are packed with carnal tidbits and eye-opening revelations. Power corrupts—absolute power is even more fun. Sex Lives of the Dictators is a look at the bedroom antics of the most powerful, and some of the most evil, men in history. Napoleon said "Not tonight, Josephine," but only because he was busy entertaining other women. Lenin returned to Russia in the closed train in 1917 with his wife and two mistresses, and Benito serenaded his conquests with a violin. And Hitler? Well, as you would expect, he was just plain weird. Five of his lovers committed suicide because of his questionable practices.

















Guidi, the older of the two daughters of his father’s sullen mistress, Anna. He decided that he would marry her, but she thought he was much too unstable. She married a man with regular work as a gravedigger instead. So Mussolini turned his attention to Augusta’s younger sister, Rachele, who gossips referred to as his half-sister. Mussolini had ,just finished his one and only published novel, The Cardinal’s Mistress, which was serialized in Il Popolo d’Italia. It was not well received, but

thought I was dreaming or reading a novel about me.” It was a stable, if not passionate, marriage. They had one child, a daughter, Nenuca, horn in 1926. There have been persistent rumours shat Nenuca was not their child, but. the daughter of Franco’s notoriously promiscuous brother, Ramon. Anyway, Franco did not have the usual latin desire for a son, so when he died there was, thankfully, no one to step into his shoes. In 1936, he was mocked as “Miss Canary Islands” — but this was because of

Garrison Corps would.surround him, flirting and begging him to dance. He would waltz, fox-trot or tango with each of the girls in turn. Mao had one of his beds moved into a room beside the ballroom. He would go in there to “rest” several times during the evening, often taking one of the girls with him. Peng Dehuai, a member of the politburo, spoke out about this at a meeting. He criticized Chairman Mao, accusing him of behaving like an emperor with a harem of three thousand concubines. The

comfortable,” Irene said. The next morning, Farouk, Irene and Barbara had breakfast together. When a second round of croissants was brought out, Irene said to Barbara: “What a shame you won’t have time to finish. You have just been called back to Cairo.” Irene had ordered the servants to pack Barbara’s bag and she was hustled off into the car. “What have you done?” Farouk complained. “She was an incredible woman, fantastic.” Irene refused to speak to him for the rest of the day. Back in

one must admit there are cases where …when a wife falls ill, for instance, or when she refuses to perform her wifely duties, thereby causing her husband unhappiness… Let’s face it. One has to be a hypocrite or an innocent to believe that a husband will tolerate that kind of thing. In your society, when something like that occurs, doesn’t a man take a mistress, or even more than one? Well, in our society, instead, a man can take another wife.” In January 1979, Farah accompanied the Shah into

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