The Secrets Of Action Screenwriting

The Secrets Of Action Screenwriting

William C. Martell

Language: English

Pages: 240

ISBN: 0970067704

Format: PDF / Kindle (mobi) / ePub

240 pages packed with techniques and tips for screenwriters, focusing on the action, thriller and suspense genres. No theories! Only actual techniques! The ultimate HOW TO screenwriting book! Creating the ultimate villain, harvesting the audience's secrets desires or hidden fears to create a hit film, how to write a plot twist, the four kinds of suspense, using reversals to keep your descriptions exciting, four ways to explode cliches, the two types of heroes, ten ways to create exciting action scenes, using secrets and lies, weapons for weirdos, instant character identifiers, your script's DNA, 16 steps to better description, pacing secrets, rugpulls, visual characterization, "Popeye" points, and more! "Secrets Of Action Screenwriting" was written by a working professional screenwriter with seventeen produced films. He knows what works!


















her respect. Gorman returns the greeting and hands her two grenades, keeping two for himself. When the creatures descend upon them, the two who were once enemies die together... as friends. And we care about both of them - we've come to know them and even like them. All because these two *contrasting* team members were paired in scene after scene. Once you've created your Team Members and made sure they have different personalities and different looks, make sure to pair up the most different

characters who used to be villains but are now heroes - and play the hero role in the story. Deciding if these characters are heroes or villains may be confusing at first, but look at what they do *in the present day story* - Evelyn Salt may be a Russian sleeper agent, but in the story she fights the spy ring she is a part of. This version of Hero Is Villain works really well, creating a flawed protagonist dealing with not only their dark past but the temptation to return to it. Probably has its

armor) to romantic desert films like "The Wind And The Lion" (Sean Connery as a sheik) and high adventure like "The Man Who Would Be King" (Sean Connery as King) to romantic action like "The Flame And The Arrow" (Burt Lancaster as an Italian version of Robin Hood) and "The Crimson Pirate" (Burt Lancaster as a pirate). Every time I think this genre is dead, a brilliant film like Terry Rossio and Ted Elliot's "The Mask Of Zorro" and “Pirates Of The Caribbean” series comes along and revives it!

to fire again, when a panicked passenger bolts out of her seat and blocks his shot. But Wesley knows how to “bend a bullet like Beckham” and fires *around* the screaming woman at Cross... who fires at the bullet – deflecting it again. This is like a sword fight with *bullets* - parry and thrust! In the speeding car, Fox fastens her seat belt and drives off the pavement, into a roadside drainage ditch... which she uses as a ramp to blast her car into the air.. and *into the train* - right

GOOD NEWS: The Big Nazi steps in the Pilot's way and begins beating the crap out of Indy. Again – This is good news? The Big Nazi knocks Indy to the ground... and prepares to stomp him. I guess that is better than being shot in the head. BAD NEWS: Indy throws dirt in the Big Nazi's eyes, blinding him. Okay, you might think that sounds like Good News, except when the Big Nazi staggers away – the Pilot has a clear shot at Indy's *head* and prepares to pull the trigger! GOOD NEWS: Marion

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