Science...For Her!

Science...For Her!

Megan Amram

Language: English

Pages: 224

ISBN: 1476757887

Format: PDF / Kindle (mobi) / ePub

Megan Amram, one of Forbes’ “30 Under 30 in Hollywood & Entertainment,” Rolling Stone’s “25 Funniest People on Twitter,” and a writer for NBC’s hit show Parks and Recreation, delivers a politically, scientifically, and anatomically incorrect “textbook” that will have women screaming with laughter, and men dying to know what the noise is about.

In the vein of faux expert books by John Hodgman and Amy Sedaris, Science…for Her! is ostensibly a book of science written by a denizen of women’s magazines. Comedy writer and Twitter sensation Megan Amram showcases her fiendish wit with a pitch-perfect attack on everything from those insanely perky tips for self-improvement to our bizarre shopaholic dating culture to the socially mandated pursuit of mind-blowing sex to the cringe-worthy secret codes of food and body issues.

Part hilarious farce, part biting gender commentary, Amram blends Cosmo and science to highlight absurdities with a machine-gun of laugh-inducing lines that leave nothing and no one unscathed. Subjects include: this Spring’s ten most glamorous ways to die; tips for hosting your own big bang; what religion is right for your body type; and the most pressing issue facing women today: kale!!!

Be prepared to laugh about anything in this outrageous satirical gem.

















Annie Oakley you!) him during sex? There are a few ways to accomplish death during sex: you could choke, drown, get hit by a train, or your guy could stab you in the heart with his extremely pointy dick! Pick the way that’s right for you! It’s important that you feel comfortable while you’re dying during sex. 3. RECTAL CANCER And who says women can’t be funny? It’s taken years, but women are finally being recognized as the true comic forces that they are. Show that you’re just as funny and

Political economics is different from me balancing my checkbook after going on a shopping spree. It’s how an entire country balances its checkbook after going on a shopping spree (which is one of my top two types of sprees, right before “killing”!). The United States of America has to handle the economics of 314 million people (aka 157 million eligible bachelors, that’s what I’m talking about, babes! Plenty of fish in the sea!). It’s not easy to finagle, especially since America has been

gurney onto one knee. Then, as I was helping him back up to the gurney and checking to see that he was still breathing, this “ring” made out of IV tubing fell out of his pocket! It’s so cool how he tailored his proposal to how we met (while we were both on IVs). FIG. 7.13 Okay, I just passed out again for like a full day or two (???). We don’t need a ring that’s worth one month of his income yet—this is all I need. He’s just so sweet, I don’t know how I’m going to ever live up to this proposal.

Of course not. Don’t be a big dumb idiot!!!!! B. Yes, rape often results in pregnancy and can be an extreme physical and psychological trauma. C. Yes, rape often results in pregnancy and can be an extreme physical trauma but not a psychological one. D. There’s no such thing as rape. It’s an urban legend, you scaredy-cat! Space & Technology 7. How do you pronounce “$$$”? A. Shhhhhhhuhhh B. Samantha C. Sssssstchkzh D. Hannukah Women in Science 8. What did doctors Gerty Cori and her

From now on, I trust you. Ladies: don’t lie to other ladies, ladies. If I feel like this isn’t working, I might have to start making you mail in audio recordings of you giving me my rightful double whats, and none of us wants that. Now, on to why you’re here. Science. From the Latin scientia, meaning “science.” Science is the study of the beautiful world around us. A man looking closely at a woman’s boobs? That’s science (anthropology). Ted Bundy cutting off a woman’s boobs so he can wear them?

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