Run Your Own Web Server Using Linux & Apache

Run Your Own Web Server Using Linux & Apache

Tony Steidler-Dennison, Stuart Langridge

Language: English

Pages: 310

ISBN: 2:00199254

Format: PDF / Kindle (mobi) / ePub

This book is the ultimate guide to setting up, optimizing and securing the Apache Web server on a Linux system. Whether you’re planning on running Linux at home, or on a leased Web Server, this book will walk you step-by-step through all of the common administration tasks, from managing traffic reporting to log-file rotation. This guide even includes step-by-step instructions on installing Linux (Fedora 4), Apache 2.0, PHP 5 and MySQL 4.1 on a home or office development server, so you can test all of your applications before rolling them out.














option to the command, which returns a longer listing. [kermit@swinetrek ~]$ ls -l total 16 drwxr-xr-x 2 kermit kermit 4096 Sep 5 14:21 Desktop -rw-rw-r-- 1 kermit kermit 13 Sep 8 07:30 Hello World.txt There’s plenty of information here. The first column presents the permissions for each file in the format we discussed in Chapter 2. In summary, the first character tells us whether the file is a directory; the next nine characters show whether or not read, write, and execute permissions have

server. It also provides the ability to mount and unmount existing filesystems and mount new filesystems. Filesystem Backup This tool displays a list of all the currently configured filesystem backups, and provides the administrator with a means to create new backups. These backups are created either with the dump command, or as TAR archives. Running Processes This tool lists all the processes running on the system, along with each process’s Process ID (PID), the process owner, and the

prompt: mymac:~ kfrog$ ssh kermit@swinetrek The authenticity of host 'swinetrek (' can't be established. RSA key fingerprint is 43:75:4b:9b:93:63:15:47:c7:94:95:e5:42:0f:4e:cc. Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? As with PuTTY, ssh asks you to verify that this is the key fingerprint you’re expecting. Compare the listed fingerprint with the output of ssh-keygen -l -f /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key: if they match, enter yes: Are you sure you want to continue

Configuring Fedora’s networking options. Figure 1.12. Manually configuring the Ethernet interface. Clicking the Edit button in the Network Configuration screen will display the Edit Interface window shown in Figure 1.12. Here, you can make custom configuration adjustments such as giving the server a static IP address. When the network device settings have been configured from the previous screen, you’re free to configure the hostname, gateway and DNS settings. Figure 1.13 shows a network

viewers, VNC Viewers, Fedora Core’s Terminal Server Client, Fedora Core’s Terminal Server Client VNC server daemon, Securing VNC with SSH Tunnelling, Starting the VNC Server Daemon W Web Server packages, Fedora, Installing Software Packages, Text Mode Installation Web server, Apache (see Apache Web Server) Web traffic analysis tool, Traffic Reporting with Webalizer Webalizer Logfile Analysis tool, Servers Group Modules, Traffic Reporting with Webalizer, Traffic Reporting with

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