Professional Visual Studio 2013 (Wrox Programmer to Programmer)
Bruce Johnson
Language: English
Pages: 1104
ISBN: 1118832043
Format: PDF / Kindle (mobi) / ePub
Comprehensive guide to Visual Studio 2013
Visual Studio is your essential tool for Windows programming. Visual Studio 2013 features important updates to the user interface and to productivity. In Professional Visual Studio 2013, author, Microsoft Certified Trainer, and Microsoft Visual C# MVP Bruce Johnson brings three decades of industry experience to guide you through the update, and he doesn't just gloss over the basics. With his unique IDE-centric approach, he steers into the nooks and crannies to help you use Visual Studio 2013 to its maximum potential.
- Choose from more theme options, check out the new icons, and make your settings portable
- Step up your workflow with hover colors, auto brace completion, peek, and CodeLens
- Code ASP.NET faster than ever with new shortcuts
- Get acquainted with the new SharePoint 2013 environment
- Find your way around the new XAML editor for Windows Store apps
Visual Studio 2013 includes better support for advanced debugging techniques, vast improvements to the visual database tools, and new support for UI testing for Windows Store apps. This update is the key to smoother, quicker programming, and Professional Visual Studio 2013 is your map to everything inside.
context for the element Data Source: Allows you use an existing data source in your project Element Name: Uses a property on an element elsewhere in your XAML Relative Source – Find Ancestor: Navigates up the hierarchy of XAML elements looking for a specific element Relative Source – Previous data: In a list or items controls, references the data context used by the previous element in the list Relative Source – Self: Uses a property on the current element Relative Source – Templated
class, you can access classes that represent the Explorer and Inspector windows. An Explorer window in Outlook is the main window displayed when Outlook is first opened and displays the contents of a folder, such as the Inbox or Calendar. Figure 19-7 (left) shows the Calendar in the Explorer window. The Explorer class represents this window and includes properties, methods, and events that you can use to access the window and respond to actions. FIGURE 19-7 An Inspector window displays an
a mapping between them. Delete a table from the hierarchy by selecting its row and pressing the Delete key. Conditions are a powerful feature of the Entity Framework that enable you to selectively choose which table you want to map an entity to at run time based on one or more conditions that you specify. For example, say you have a single entity in your model called Product that maps to a table called Products in the database. However, you have additional extended properties on your entity that
ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings _ ("AdventureWorksLTConnectionString").ConnectionString sqlCon.Open() End Sub A nice artifact of working with the Connection String Wizard is that it also adds strongly typed support for accessing the connection string from within your code. This means that you can access the connection string using the following strongly typed methods, rather than call them using a string constant: C# Properties.Settings.Default.AdventureWorksLTConnectionString; VB
for execution from there. MSBuild Project Build Output Verbosity: Visual Studio 2013 uses the MSBuild engine for its compilation. MSBuild produces its own set of compilation outputs, reporting on the state of each project as it’s built. You have the option to control how much of this output is reported to you: By default, the MSBuild verbosity is set to Minimal, which produces only a small amount of information about each project, but you can turn it off completely by setting this option to