Pro Puppet

Pro Puppet

Spencer Krum, William Van Hevelingen, James Turnbull, Jeffrey McCune

Language: English

Pages: 332

ISBN: 1430260408

Format: PDF / Kindle (mobi) / ePub

Pro Puppet, Second Edition, now updated for Puppet 3, is an in-depth guide to installing, using, and developing the popular configuration management tool Puppet.

Puppet provides a way to automate everything from user management to server configuration. You'll learn how Puppet has changed in the latest version, how to use it on a variety of platforms, including Windows, how to work with Puppet modules, and how to use Hiera.

Puppet is a must-have tool for system administrators, and Pro Puppet will teach you how to maximize its capabilities and customize it for your environment.

Install and configure Puppet to immediately start automating tasks and create reporting solutions

Learn insider tricks and techniques to better manage your infrastructure

Become a Puppet expert!

















'classes/*' The import statement will load all files with a suffix of .pp in the directories nodes and classes. The $puppetserver statement sets a variable. In Puppet, configuration statements starting with a dollar sign are variables used to specify values that you can use in Puppet configuration. In Listing 1-3, we’ve created a variable that contains the fully qualified domain name of our Puppet master, enclosed in double quotes.  Note In Puppet manifests, strings with double-quotes are

are evaluated multiple times on a host. They also accept parameters.  Note Remember that classes are singletons. They can be included multiple times on a node, but they will only be evaluated ONCE. A definition, because it takes parameters, can be declared multiple times and each new declaration will be evaluated. We create a definition using the define syntax, as shown in Listing 2-7. Listing 2-7. The First Definition define apache::vhost( $port, $docroot, $ssl=true, • Puppet Forge: CHAPTER 3  Working with Environments We’ve introduced you to installing and configuring Puppet. In this chapter, we show how you might integrate Puppet into your organization’s workflow. This will allow you to use Puppet to make changes and manage your infrastructure in a logical and stable way. To do this, we introduce a Puppet concept called “environments.” Environments allow you to define,

ActiveRecord have been installed, you can verify that the proper versions are present using the gem list command. # gem list *** LOCAL GEMS *** actionmailer (2.3.5) actionpack (2.3.5) 139 CHAPTER 6  EXPORTING AND STORING CONFIGURATION activerecord (2.3.5) activeresource (2.3.5) activesupport (2.3.5) rails (2.3.5) rake (0.8.7) Notice that activerecord and activesupport are both available at version 2.3.5. With these libraries installed, you’re ready to proceed with the Puppet settings to ****************************************************************************** Successfully installed puppet-module-0.3.2 1 gem installed Installing ri documentation for puppet-module-0.3.2... Installing RDoc documentation for puppet-module-0.3.2... # puppet-module version 0.3.2 The operator first installs puppet-module using the gem command, then he checks to make sure the command is executable and at the correct version. ■ Note The Puppet Module tool project page

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