Not Your Father's Founders: An "Amended" Look at America's First Patriots

Not Your Father's Founders: An "Amended" Look at America's First Patriots

Arthur G. Sharp

Language: English

Pages: 288

ISBN: 144054011X

Format: PDF / Kindle (mobi) / ePub

The founding fathers reframed! Tired of reading about stiff, snooze-worthy revolutionary rebels? How about lackluster wars and mind-numbing laws? Not Your Father's Founders breathes life back into history with dynamic profiles of the politicos, wartime heroes, and lesser-known but equally important players who built this nation. Featuring hundreds of strange details and quirky stories, you'll love learning all about the thinkers, doers, and maintainers who spearheaded the rebellion. This re-read of American history will also keep you on your toes with entertaining facts, quotations, and revelations. For example, Samuel Adams' father was a merchant and brewer. Young Samuel worked for a while at the family brewery, but he did not have the head for it or business in general. The birth of our nation was anything but dull and Not Your Father's Founders pays proper tribute to our country's creators with entertaining tales you'll never forget.




















—BENJAMIN FRANKLIN He concentrated on the abolition of slavery for the next couple of years. But time caught up with him in 1790. He passed away at age eighty-four. About 20,000 people attended his funeral—seemingly one for every accomplishment in his extremely productive lifetime. ELBRIDGE GERRY Marblehead, Massachusetts July 17, 1744−November 23, 1814 Father of Gerrymandering Elbridge Gerry seemingly came out of nowhere, signed the Declaration of Independence, and returned to obscurity,

marriage to Dorothy Quincy, a young lady of prominent social stature selected for him by his Aunt Lydia. He wrote to Dorothy to explain his attentions were required elsewhere and promised to “return as soon as possible,” hoping she would not be “saucy” when he did. They married eventually. Hancock was elected president of the Second Continental Congress. He successfully walked the fine line between the radicals who desired independence and moderates who favored reconciliation. In the process, he

Is the Republic Ready for Independence? In 1783, King was elected to the Massachusetts General Court for the first of three terms. He also served in the Confederation Congress from 1784 to 1787, where he was the youngest member. One of King’s finest moments in the Congress occurred in 1784, when he supported a five-percent impost it asked from the states to fund its existence. The states did not have any desire to pay it, and Congress’s efforts to collect the levy fell on deaf ears. King took

could oblige. Morris had a reputation for honesty and integrity among the people who knew him best. While he was trying to figure out a way to raise the hard currency Washington requested, he met a wealthy Quaker who was aware of the quandary. The gentleman asked Morris what security he provided for a loan. “My note and my honor,” Morris said. That was enough for the potential lender. The next day Morris forwarded $50,000 to General Washington. Even though he doubted his own abilities at times,

were able to achieve significant accomplishments in the cause of liberty. Two women’s groups in particular, the Philadelphia Ladies Association and the Daughters of Liberty, were vocal about their support of independence for the country. These groups included prominent women such as Martha Washington, Sarah Franklin Bache (Benjamin Franklin’s daughter), and Esther de Berdt Reed. The Ladies Association of Philadelphia There was never enough money or materiel to keep the American fighting forces

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