No Country for Old Men (Vintage International)

No Country for Old Men (Vintage International)

Cormac McCarthy

Language: English

Pages: 309

ISBN: 0307387135

Format: PDF / Kindle (mobi) / ePub

In No Country for Old Men, Cormac McCarthy simultaneously strips down the American crime novel and broadens its concerns to encompass themes as ancient as the Bible and as bloodily contemporary as this morning’s headlines.

















floor. The closet door open. He opened the top dresser drawer and closed it again. He put the gun back in his belt and pulled his shirt over it and walked back out to the kitchen. He opened the refrigerator and took out a carton of milk and opened it and smelled it and drank. He stood there holding the carton in one hand and looking out the window. He drank again and then he put the carton back in the refrigerator and shut the door. He went into the livingroom and sat on the sofa. There was a

if you want it. One-twenty aint took. That’s all right. What about one forty-two? She reached and got the key off the board behind her. You’ll owe for two nights, she said. He paid and picked up the bag and walked out and turned down the walkway at the rear of the motel. She leaned over the counter watching him go. In the room he sat on the bed with the map spread out. He got up and went into the bathroom and stood in the tub with his ear to the wall. A TV was playing somewhere. He went back

remember dates. Numbers. The man nodded. He was standing behind his desk. The desk was of polished stainless steel and walnut and there wasnt anything on it. Not a picture or a piece of paper. Nothing. We got a loose cannon here. And we’re missing product and we’re out a bunch of money. Yessir. I understand that. You understand that. Yessir. That’s good. I’m glad I’ve got your attention. Yessir. You have my attention. The man unlocked a drawer in the desk and took out a steel box and

the product dont have that either. So guess who they’re looking at? Not to mention the DEA and various other law enforcement agencies. Everybody’s list has got the same name on it. And it’s the only name on it. You need to throw me a bone. I dont really have any reason to protect you. Are you afraid of this guy? Wells shrugged. Wary is the word I’d use. You didnt mention Bell. Bell. All right? I take it you dont think much of him. I dont think of him at all. He’s a redneck sheriff in a hick

a man standing up out of the sunroof, one hand on top of the cab, the other cradling a rifle upright. Where he reached the river it made a broad sweep out of a canyon and carried down past great stands of carrizo cane. Downriver it washed up against a rock bluff and then bore away to the south. Darkness deep in the canyon. The water dark. He dropped into the cut and fell and rolled and rose and began to make his way down a long sandy ridge toward the river. He hadnt gone twenty feet before he

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