Moishe's Miracle: A Hanukkah Story

Moishe's Miracle: A Hanukkah Story

Laura Krauss Melmed, David Slonim

Language: English

Pages: 32

ISBN: 0688146821

Format: PDF / Kindle (mobi) / ePub

"...set it upon the fire empty, and it will produce as many delicious Hanukkah latkes as you wish. Latkes by the dozen, latkes by the hundreds will appear until you remove the pan from the stove. Just remember the stranger's warning: "To Moishe this gift was given, and only Moishe must see it."

With such a gift, Moishe, his wife Baila, and the entire village of Wishniak can have a Hanukkah like no other. They will dance and sing and feast on latkes all because of a mysterious frying pan provided by a stranger and some talking cows grateful for Moishe's generosity. But what of the warning? Will the magic pan still fry up latkes as plump as little pillows if Baila uses it? Or will it fry up something totally unexpected...?

Laura Krauss Melmed, author of the bestselling I Love You As Much..., and artist David Slonim have cooked up a wondrous and wholly original Hanukkah story, made from all the classic ingredients of Jewish folktales: mystery, humor, and good food.
















Wishniak squeezed into Moishe and Baila’s little house that night. Latkes galore sailed from the magic pan. There was singing and dancing to Heshy’s accordion, and the children spun dreidels, little Hanukkah tops. Only Baila stood apart, shaking her head. Moishe was giving things away, as usual, and making a mess of her house. If she could just get rid of him for a while, she would take matters into her own hands. The next day, Baila hid the Hanukkah candles under the bed. “Moishe, there

water splattered everywhere. And before she could blink, each droplet changed into a hairy little demon with pointy ears and a forked tail. The creatures danced around and around Baila, giggling and pelting her with burnt latkes. Then, climbing onto the chairs and the table, they shook empty handkerchiefs in her face. Baila spun this way and that until she was dizzy, but she could not escape them. Just as she swooned to the floor, the door opened. In blew Moishe, on a cold draft. He was

to Wishniak needed food and lodging, heels for their boots, and hay for their horses. Soon the village grew into a bustling market town where no one went hungry. And for years to come, even on the coldest Hanukkah night, candles burned brightly in the windows and the smell of frying latkes rose over the houses in a golden haze that seemed to reach the stars. Snow on the rooftops Milk in the pail That is the end Of this Hanukkah tale! Hanukkah Hanukkah is a Jewish winter festival

arts degree. His fine-art paintings are represented by Overland Gallery in Scottsdale, Arizona. David’s father is the grandson of Eastern European Jewish immigrants. David lives with his wife and four children in Indiana, and his favorite way to eat latkes is with applesauce.

milkman sat up suddenly. Rubbing his eyes, he looked around to see who was calling him. Imagine his astonishment when he found that it was one of his cows! “You have always cared well for us, Moishe. You keep our shed clean, milk us on time, and feed us plenty.” “MOO-ost assuredly,” chimed in the other cow. “So, although we seldom reveal to humans our power to speak, we want to help you, dear Moishe.” “While you were sleeping here tonight,” the first cow went on, “a stranger came to the shed.

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