Judy Moody Declares Independence

Judy Moody Declares Independence

Megan McDonald

Language: English

Pages: 160

ISBN: 0763648515

Format: PDF / Kindle (mobi) / ePub

When a visit to Boston spurs Judy's interest in Revolutionary heroes and heroines, she's soon on a quest for more independence in this hilarious new episode from Megan McDonald and Peter H. Reynolds. Huzzah!

She, Judy Moody, would hereby, this day, make the Judy Moody Declaration of Independence. With alien rights and her own Purse of Happiness and everything.

Hear ye! Hear ye! Everyone knows that Judy Moody has a mood for every occasion, and now a visit to Boston has put our famous third grader in a revolutionary mood. When Judy meets an English girl named Tori at the Tea Party ship, she is gobsmacked to learn how many liberties her British friend enjoys — her very own phone, private loo, and pounds of allowance. When a day of cheerfully doing her chores doesn't earn Judy Moody more rights, and staging a revolt in the form of a tea-throwing Boston Tub Party has her dad reading the riot act, Judy is forced into temporary retreat. Who would guess that a real-life crisis involving her brother, Stink, would finally give Judy a chance to show her courageous quick thinking - -and prove her independence, once and for all?




















minds. Independence. HA! All it did was get her in trouble. Maybe if Judy just declared UN-independence, everything would go back to the way it was. At least she wouldn’t have to clean up so much. And get run over by P.U. garbage trucks while chasing runaway buses. Judy tried to do her homework, but all the spelling words looked like scrambled eggs. She tried chewing gum for her ABC collection, but all it did was stick to her teeth. She tried starting a scrapbook of her trip to Boston, but even

the Declaration of Independence looked sad. To cheer herself up, Judy wrote a postcard to Tori: Judy tiptoed to the top of the stairs to see if she could hear anything. Mom was talking to Stink. Traitor! He was probably blaming the whole thing on her. Redcoat! Judy climbed back up to her top bunk. “Here, Mouse,” called Judy. At least her cat wasn’t mad at her. At least her cat was not a traitor. Mouse hid under the bottom bunk. “Here, Mousie, Mousie.” Mouse still did not budge. Even her cat

heads and pizza tables. My newest collection is ABC gum. I stick it on the lamp in my room.” “ABC gum?” asked the girl. “Already Been Chewed — I label each piece, like a rock collection.” “Fab!” said Tori. “I never heard of that.” “And I collect pencils,” said Judy. “And Band-Aids.” “Brilliant!” said Tori. “We call them plasters, not Band-Aids.” “Do you collect tea?” asked Judy. “No. But I do collect sugar packets with pictures on them.” Tori opened her coin purse. It was filled with sugar

treat you like you’re more grown-up, and if you want a raise in your allowance, then you’ll have to show us that you can be more responsible.” “And not always get in a mood about everything,” said Dad. “I’ve never even had a sleepover before!” said Judy. “Maybe when we get home, you can have a sleepover with Jessica Finch,” said Mom. “When cows read,” said Judy. She, Judy Moody, was moving to England. She chewed two pieces of ABC gum, loud as a cow. She blew bubbles. Pop! Pop! Pop-pop-pop!

called Rocky as he loped off toward his house. Judy unlocked her bike. Behind her, the doors of the bus hissed and closed, and the brakes squeaked as it pulled away from the curb. Wait . . . something was not right. Stink? STINK! Stink did not get off the bus! Stink had never NOT gotten off the bus before. Judy could not think. She was sure she’d seen him get ON the bus. Should she yell for help? Race home and get Mom? “HEY!” yelled Judy. “Mr. Bus Driver! HEY!” she shouted. The bus was

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