Judy Moody: Around the World in 8 1/2 Days

Judy Moody: Around the World in 8 1/2 Days

Megan McDonald

Language: English

Pages: 176

ISBN: 0763648639

Format: PDF / Kindle (mobi) / ePub

Reissued in a way-cool paperback design!

Judy Moody cannot believe her ears. There at the lunch table, a girl called Amy Namey is interviewing Judy's best friends, Rocky and Frank. Even worse, Amy is dressed like Nellie Bly, daredevil woman reporter, much like Judy's emulation of a certain woman doctor. Is this clipboard-carrying girl destined to be Judy's new best enemy? Or new best friend? Judy Moody finds some unexpected potholes on the path to friendship as Class 3T takes a whirlwind tour of the globe, investigating everything from tooth-brushing sticks in Yemen to an Italian "spider dance" along the way. Fans will cheer as Judy finally masters the challenge of making new friends and keeping the old — for sure and absolute positivo!
















said Judy, holding up a bag and rattling it. “You match the different kinds of pasta in the bag with the shapes on your board.” “Great idea,” said Mr. Todd. “That sounds like lots of fun,” said Ms. Valentine. “Then write the name of the noodle under it. If you don’t know the name, you can look up at my chart.” Judy held up a piece of cardboard that had pasta shapes glued onto it. Above each kind of pasta was its name. Everybody cracked up. “Ha, ha!” Bradley pointed. “You’re missing some,”

would be mad that they did not make it around the world in eight days. While everyone finished the Pasta Shapes Game, Mr. Todd pushed desks and stuff over to the corner so Judy would have plenty of room. “Okey-dokey,” said Judy. “This morning I am going to dance the tarantella.” “The tarantula?” somebody asked. “No, not the tarantula,” said Frank. “Well, actually, you’re never going to believe it, but I looked it up. Who knew? Tarantella means ‘tarantula.’ For real and absolute positive. My

Stephopslide. Change! Step! Hop! Skip! Slapknee! Repeat! Da da da, duh da da da, Da da da-da-da-da-duh Something was not right! The music was too fast! Judy made her feet go faster and faster until her head was dizzy and her hair was in her mouth. “Too — puff puff — fast!” she panted. “Slow — puff puff — down!” Huff puff puff. But nobody seemed to hear. The music kept going faster and faster. Frank shook the tambourine faster than an earthquake. Judy whirled and twirled, a dizzy dancing

people riding elephants, and when she was halfway around the world, she got a pet monkey named McGinty!” “Amy, why don’t you show us Nellie Bly’s around-the-world route on your globe?” said Mr. Todd. “Okay. I made a globe this morning. It’s still kind of wet.” She held up a big gloppy papier-mâché ball. “Here’s where she started, in Hoboken.” “She started in Hobo Land?” “Hoboken is in New Jersey,” said Amy. “And she went to England, France, Italy. Then Egypt, in Africa.” The route was marked

trying to catch flies?” said Judy. “Your mouth’s way open.” He laughed and pointed. There was gum in her hair, gum on her nose, gum on her pants, gum on her coat. “What happened to you?” asked Stink. “Attack of the Killer Gumball?” “Hardee-har-har, Stink. I was making gum at Amy Namey’s with my Make-Your-Own-Gum Kit. It was way fun.” “Aw, you didn’t wait for me?” “No, but I made some special just for you. My own secret recipe.” Judy opened up the wax paper and held out the gum for Stink to

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