Jewish Cooking Boot Camp: The Modern Girl's Guide to Cooking Like a Jewish Grandmother

Jewish Cooking Boot Camp: The Modern Girl's Guide to Cooking Like a Jewish Grandmother

Andrea Marks Carneiro, Roz Marks

Language: English

Pages: 200

ISBN: 076275088X

Format: PDF / Kindle (mobi) / ePub

Jewish Cooking Boot Camp takes every last ounce of intimidation out of Jewish cooking while serving up a hearty helping of family, culture, and other flavors to savor.




















then fine-tuned it to the recipe you see below. MAKES: 6–7 DOZEN PREPARATION TIME: 4–5 HOURS COOKING TIME: 50 MINUTES PER BATCH DOUGH 8 cups flour, plus 1 cup 3 packages Fleischmann’s dry yeast ⅓ cup sugar 3 sticks (1½ cups) sweet unsalted butter (cut into chunks for easier melting) � cup sugar 2 cups buttermilk 3 eggs, lightly beaten 1 teaspoon oil Put into an 8-quart pot in this order the flour, the yeast, and ⅓ cup sugar. Do not mix together yet. In a 2-quart pot place the butter, �

express the story of the Passover in contemporary terms and with allusions to current struggles. There have been many textual additions to the Haggadah as well as commentaries on the meaning of the texts and actions over the ages; still, a basic structure (seder means “order”) remains. Therein lies the rub. It is unusual to find a Jew who cannot recount at least one seder, normally experienced as a child, as “taking forever before we finally ate.” The reality is that a seder can last as long as

night we focused on the symbolic nature of each item. It was a great way to celebrate Passover, and we have done it again on more than one occasion. On another Passover I had just finished reading Mystic Quest: An Introduction to Jewish Mysticism, by David Ariel, and we incorporated some aspects of Kabbalah into our seder. As our children grew older and we were blessed with the arrival of our own grandchildren, we finally put our gelt where our mouths were and created our own Haggadah. As with

can set you back if you forget. Clean as You Go Don’t wait until the end to clean up. If you spill a little flour, wipe it up. If you use a measuring cup, wash it or stick it in the dishwasher. Wash out pots or pans while things are heating up on the stove. In small kitchens there is nothing worse than a pile of dirty dishes waiting for you. Know Your Kitchen Every oven and burner is different. Some are hotter and need less time, and some are the opposite. Pay attention to how recipes come out

until it bubbles. Pour the mixture over the matzo and spread to coat. Put the pan in the oven for 1 to 2 minutes, and then remove. Sprinkle the chocolate chips over the top and return the pan to the oven for another 1 to 2 minutes or until the chocolate softens. Remove the pan from the oven and, using a spatula, spread the chocolate to cover the matzo. Sprinkle the nuts over the chocolate. Place the pan in the freezer for 20 minutes or until hard. Remove and “crack” up matzo, remove the foil from

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