Head First Programming A Learner`s Guide to Programming Using the Python Language [PB,2009]

Head First Programming A Learner`s Guide to Programming Using the Python Language [PB,2009]

Language: English

Pages: 0


Format: PDF / Kindle (mobi) / ePub

Head First Programming: A Learner's Guide to Programming Using the Python Language by David Griffiths. O'Reilly & Associates, Inc.,2009











number 1970. between time.timezone() of hours difference Tells you the number n). ndo (Lo ne ezo UTC tim your timezone and the You need to use one of these functions to help you fix your code. But which one? You were to draw a circle around the function you thought you might need. 72   Chapter 2 textual data With the appropriate function identified, you were to amend the code to control how often the request for the web page is sent to the server. The Beans’R’Us webmaster has been in

definition of the function: Call the function. Note the use of parens. print("Welcome to smoothie-matic 2.0") another = "Y" while another == "Y": make_smoothie() another = input("How about another(Y/N)? ") Every time that Python sees make_smoothie() in the code, it jumps to the code in the make_smoothie() function. It runs the code in the function until it gets to the end, and then returns to the next line in the code that called it. Let’s use functions to share code within your program. 82

password variable 104 When you call a function, the computer creates a fresh list of variables 105 When you leave a function, its variables get thrown away 106 Starbuzz is fully stocked! 110 Your Programming Toolbox 111 table of contents 4 data files and arrays Sort it out As your programs develop, so do your data handling needs. And when you have lots of data to work with, using an individual variable for each piece of data gets really old, really quickly. So programmers

scores in it. You could write a program that read each of the lines from the file and stored them in variables called first_score, second_score, and third_score: Each line in the file gets a variable of its own. first_ score The data in the file second_ score 8.65 8.65 third_ score 9.12 9.12 8.45 8.45 But what if there were four scores in the file? Or five? Even worse, what if there were 10,000 scores? You’d soon run out of variable names and (possibly) memory in your computer, not to

since version 1.4 and prior to Python worked mostly with C on a variety of Unix and non-Unix platforms. He has worked on projects ranging from mapping to medical news publishing, with a little banking thrown in for good measure. Doug spends his spare time working on several open source projects; reading science fiction, history, and biographies; and writing the Python Module of the Week blog series. Jeremy Jones is the coauthor of Python for Unix and Linux System Administration and has been

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