Hannibal and Me: What History's Greatest Military Strategist Can Teach Us About Success and Failu re

Hannibal and Me: What History's Greatest Military Strategist Can Teach Us About Success and Failu re

Andreas Kluth

Language: English

Pages: 336

ISBN: 159448659X

Format: PDF / Kindle (mobi) / ePub

The life of Hannibal, the Carthaginian general who crossed the Alps with his army in 218 BCE, is the stuff of legend. And the epic choices he and his Roman enemies made on the battlefield and in life offer timeless lessons to us today about how we should respond to our own victories and defeats. Inspired by ancient history, Hannibal and Me explores the triumphs and disasters in our lives by examining the decisions made by Hannibal and others, including Albert Einstein, Eleanor Roosevelt, Steve Jobs, Ernest Shackleton, and Paul Cézanne. Kluth shows why some overcome failure and others succumb to it, and why some fall victim to success while others thrive on it. The result is a page-turning adventure tale, a compelling human drama, and an insightful guide to understanding behavior.

















McIntire, “A Fall from White Knight to Client 9,” New York Times, March 11, 2008. http://www.nytimes.com/2008/03/11/nyregion/11fall.html?fta=y. 22. “The Promise of Eliot Spitzer,” New York Times, October 22, 2006. http://www.nytimes.com/2006/10/22/opinion/22sun2.html?scp=29&sq=eliot%20spitzer&st=cse. 23. Michael Powell and Nicholas Confessore, “4 Arrests, Then 6 Days to a Resignation,” New York Times, March 13, 2008.

Library, 2001), I, 460–64. 3. Ibid., pp. 457–58. 4. Ibid., p. 459. 5. B. H. Liddell Hart, Scipio Africanus: Greater than Napoleon (Cambridge, MA: Da Capo Press, 1926), p. 239. 6. Livy, The History of Rome from Its Foundation, Books XXXI–XLV, trans. Henry Bettenson (London and New York: Penguin Books, 1976), XXXVIII, 51. 7. Serge Lancel, Hannibal, trans. Antonia Nevill (Oxford, UK, and Malden, MA: Blackwell, 1998), p. 210. 8. Alfred C. Mierzejewski, Ludwig Erhard: A Biography

one point, when I thought I was going to die, I just suddenly realized that that scared me.” The family moved back to California, but the war between mother and daughter continued. Amy dropped out of the premed course that her mother had prescribed, thus officially rejecting her parents’ life plan. She studied English and linguistics instead, as useful in her mother’s eyes as a double major in finger painting and cuneiform. The break seemed complete. BUT IT WASN’T. Amy Tan married. She

Italians home without ransom, asking only that they spread the word all across Italy that Hannibal, not Rome, was their new friend and overlord. When the people of Rome learned of the disaster at the Trebia, they were mortified. The city mobilized every available man in Rome and in every allied city. Then two new consuls were elected and sent into the field. Hannibal was still in the northern and Gallic part of Italy, so the priority now was to stop him from marching into the Italian heartland.

would be a victory without ‘winning’—real victory, winning over one’s self.… This would be the victory of merging with one’s opponent.”18 Ueshiba told another interviewer that aikido is about using “the power of the opponent completely. So the more power the opponent uses, the easier it is for you.”19 Once, standing all of his five feet and one inch, Ueshiba confronted a well-known sumo wrestler named Mihamahiro, a huge and bulky man who could lift enormous weights. “Why don’t we test our

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