Fire and Ice: A Novel

Fire and Ice: A Novel

Julie Garwood

Language: English

Pages: 400

ISBN: 0345500768

Format: PDF / Kindle (mobi) / ePub

Sophie Rose is a crime reporter at a major Chicago newspaper and the daughter of Bobby Rose, a charming gentleman and big-time thief. When asked to write an exposé about her notorious father, Sophie quits and goes to work at a small newspaper, covering local personalities such as William Harrington, the 5K runner whose trademark is red socks. Those socks—with Sophie’s business card tucked inside—are practically all that’s found after Harrington is killed near Prudhoe Bay, Alaska, seemingly in a brutal polar bear attack.
Sophie heads north to investigate, but danger follows in her wake. After one attempt on her life, she’s assigned brash but sexy Jack MacAlister as a bodyguard. But Sophie and Jack will soon be fighting more than their growing passion for each other. Powerful forces will stop at nothing to prevent the exposure of the sinister conspiracy Sophie and Jack are about to uncover.
















so,” Sophie said. He ignored her protest. “It’s all about sensationalism. Anything for a story.” “I’m a reporter,” she reminded him. “My point exactly,” Jack said. “Agent MacAlister?” “Yeah?” “Bite me.” JOURNAL ENTRY 113 ARCTIC CAMP It’s hard to believe we’ve been with the wolves for months now. We’ve gathered reams of data about their habits and have studied tissue samples to understand their physical adaptation, but there is so much more to learn. If our plans succeed, the

of days. When she arrived at her apartment, Alec and Jack went up with her. They stood by as she played the day’s messages, all thirteen of them. None were threatening, but the last one perplexed Jack. The caller identified himself by the name Muffin, and the readout on Sophie’s caller ID indicated he was making the call from the Southside Reserve Soup Kitchen. The deep timbre of his voice was a contradiction to his name. “Sophie, honey, I wanted to thank you for the beautiful Fendi special

back to what Carter had said to Sophie before Ricky got to him: You kept pecking away. What was he afraid she would find? What the hell was he hiding? Agents had talked to the two remaining scientists several times, but they were unable to shed any light on Carter’s motives. Jack familiarized himself with the files on each of the four doctors and wasn’t satisfied with what he found. Somebody at TNI had to know something about Carter’s secret. Jack decided that it was time he talked to them

for the Illinois Chronicle, sir. May I ask you some questions about your protest?” “Of course. We want to draw attention to this horror.” “What horror would that be?” Sophie asked. “The heartless cruelty to turkeys.” “It’s barbaric is what it is,” a woman shouted over her placard. “The assassins raise them just to kill and eat them. It’s murder!” “You don’t want grocery stores to sell Thanksgiving turkeys?” Sophie asked calmly. A thin older woman with thick glasses stepped forward. “That’s

club? She’d made that note a question. “Just look at me.” She needed to talk to Kirk Halpern again, so she made the call. Kirk was happy to hear from her. “I really hate to bother you,” she began, “but I was wondering about the wolves you studied.” “I’d be happy to tell you anything you want to know,” he offered. “Were these particular animals unusually vigorous or strong?” she asked. “I wouldn’t say they were unusual,” he answered. “They were what we expected for that particular

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