Farley and the Lost Bone

Farley and the Lost Bone

Lynn Johnston

Language: English

Pages: 32

ISBN: 1449403069

Format: PDF / Kindle (mobi) / ePub

The ever-popular and appealing Farley makes his second appearance in a children’s storybook. The first, Farley Follows His Nose (Harper Collins, 2009), has sold more than 3,000 copies in the U.S. and more than 5,000 in Canada, where it has won several awards, including being named one of the year’s 10 best by the Canadian Children’s Book Center.

Inside Farley and the Lost Bone, award-winning cartoonist Lynn Johnston of For Better or For Worse fame and co-author Beth Cruickshank follow Farley as he welcomes the warmth of spring and tries to remember where he buried his most prized possession last fall. 

As a follow-up to the duo's first book, Farley Follows His Nose (Harper Collins, 2009), this children's tale features fan favorite sheepdog Farley as he digs in Elly's flowerbed, under Michael's model railway set, and inside Lizzie's sandbox until he remembers the special spot where he buried his tasty bone.

Pairing Johnston's signature art with Cruickshank's gentle prose, Farley and the Lost Bone imparts a tale of self-reliance, diligence, and determination perfect for young readers.














Farley and the Lost Bone copyright © 2011 by Lynn Johnston Productions, Inc. All rights reserved. Printed in China. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of reprints in the context of reviews. Andrews McMeel Publishing, LLC an Andrews McMeel Universal company 1130 Walnut Street, Kansas City, Missouri 64106 E-ISBN: 978-1-4494-0856-5 Library of Congress Control Number: 2010943020 www.andrewsmcmeel.com

Better or For Worse readers as the inspiration for the affable Aunt Bev to the Patterson kids. A frequent collaborator with Johnston, Cruickshank has worked on projects including The Lives Behind the Lines, Suddenly Silver, and Farley Follows His Nose.

quiet and sad, not thinking of anything at all. The cool breeze ruffled his fur, and the sun sparkled and danced through the leaves around him. It shone brightest on a spot near him where the dirt was loose and the fallen leaves had been scraped away. It looked . . . it looked . . . like someone had been digging there last fall! Farley jumped up in excitement. He dug and dug, as fast as he could. There it was! His bone! NOW he remembered where he had buried it! Farley danced

out on the lawn to show the family his bone. “Oh HO! THAT’S why you were digging all over the yard,” John said. “Aha!” Michael smiled. “I wouldn’t have yelled if I’d known you were just looking for your bone.” “Poor Farley!” Lizzie patted him. “You weren’t being bad—you were hungry!” Farley was happy. FINALLY he had found his bone. Even better, no one was mad at him anymore! Then Elly came around the corner of the house. “UGH!” she said. “That looks DISGUSTING!” Farley agreed!

It was the yummiest bone he had EVER had. He flopped down to enjoy his treasure on the new green grass, where the breeze was soft and the warm sun soaked into his fur. “Time for supper!” Elly called. Supper sounded like a great idea to Farley. But if he left his bone alone, someone might take it! Farley decided to put his bone well out of sight. He dug a deep hole, placed the bone inside, and covered it carefully. He knew it would taste just as good when he dug it up again tomorrow . .

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