Emancipatory Movements in Composition: The Rhetoric of Possibility

Emancipatory Movements in Composition: The Rhetoric of Possibility

Andrea Greenbaum

Language: English

Pages: 150

ISBN: 079145438X

Format: PDF / Kindle (mobi) / ePub

Emancipatory Movements in Composition provides an overview of the four major disciplines that have, for the last ten years, influenced and guided the direction of composition studies. Drawing on contemporary social and rhetorical theory, this is the first cultural studies text deeply informed by classical rhetoric, feminism, and postcolonial studies. Readable and engaging, it merges theory and pedagogy, providing a rubric for understanding critical pedagogy, neosophistic rhetoric, service-learning, and ethnographic research. This self-reflexive and critical book examines the ethical dimensions of partaking in liberatory learning practices in the contemporary composition classroom.




















whose intel- Emancipatory Politics and Composition 89 lectual project is to examine the saturation and production of dominant ideological influences as they are filtered through the media—another area which is not fully explored in Writing and Reading Across the Curriculum. With the permission of the Associate Chair, I discarded the Behrens and Rosen text and compiled my own reading packet, which was designed not simply to encourage students to interrogate the dominant ideological assumptions

but “that it shape[s] values, attitudes, social relations, and the biases that informed the way knowledge would be given and received” (178). The stories the students told were magnificently moving, vivid, honest, and revealing. The Sandra Harding essay we read earlier in the semester, “Starting Thought From Women’s Lives: Eight Resources for Maximizing Objectivity,” seemed to prepare them for the task of storytelling. Harding’s essay advises listening to voices that have previously been

experience, but the classroom must be a site of, not the sole reason for, the struggle that compositions invoke” (173). REQUIRED TEXT Reading Packet from Custom Publishing, which includes the following selections: Bauer, Dale M. “The Meanings and Metaphors of Student Resistance.” Styles of Cultural Activism. Ed. Phillip Goldstein. Newark: U of Delaware P, 1990. 64–75. Bogdan, Robert. “The Social Construction of Freaks.” Freakery: Cultural Spectacles of the Extraordinary Body. Ed. Rosemarie

Politics of Difference: Homi Bhabha’s Critical Literacy.” Race, Rhetoric, and the Postcolonial. Albany: State U of New York P, 1998. 3–39. Works Cited 125 Ong, Walter. Orality and Literacy: The Technologizing of the Word. London: Methuen, 1992. Orenstein, Peggy. SchoolGirls: Young Women, Self-Esteem, and the Confidence Gap. Washington, DC: AAUW Educational Research Foundation, 1994. Payne, Michelle. “Rend(er)ing Women’s Authority in the Writing Classroom.” Taking Stock: The Writing Process

Activism, ‘Outing,’ and The Politics of Sexual Identities.” Critical Quarterly 36 (1994): 13–27. Weisser, Susan Ostrov. “The Wonderful-Terrible Bitch Figure in Harlequin Novels.” Weisser and Fleischner. 269–84. Weisser, Susan Ostrov, and Jennifer Fleischner. Feminist Nightmares. New York: New York UP, 1994. Willis, Paul. Learning to Labour: How Working Class Kids Get Working Class Jobs. Farnsbourough, England: Saxon House, 1977. ——— . Profane Culture. London: Routledge, 1978. Worsham, Lynn.

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