Dolci di Love: A Novel

Dolci di Love: A Novel

Sarah-Kate Lynch

Language: English

Pages: 320

ISBN: B0058M64QE

Format: PDF / Kindle (mobi) / ePub

New from the author of House of Daughters- an irresistible confection of love, loss, and Italian sweets in the delectable tradition of Chocolat

Corporate star Lily Turner abandons the boardrooms of Manhattan for the steep streets of Montevedova when she discovers her "perfect" husband, Daniel, has another family tucked away in the hills of Tuscany. Once there, her plight attracts the attention of the Secret League of Widowed Darners, an all-but-invisible army pulling strings behind the scenes to create happy endings. Soon founding members, Violetta and Luciana, are scheming to mend Lily's broken heart-and to enlist her help for their struggling pasticceria.

With the lush landscape of a sumptuous Tuscan summer in the background, and the tantalizing scent of fresh-baked cantucci in the air, Dolci di Love is the joyful celebration of a modern recipe for life.

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The pashmina was soft and pink, like Rose herself, and smelled vaguely of Paris, a fragrance Lily had picked out for her years before and which suited her so much, Lily couldn’t imagine her ever smelling of anything else. Lily used to know her sister so well. She used to know Daniel too. And now look at her. Look at all of them. The empty pinot grigio bottle rocked slightly on the bare floor. “So, you have Todd and his offsider from R and D coming in at ten,” Pearl was saying, “but I could

shift them to this afternoon because we have a window at 2:15. And Finance wants you to present your quarterly projections at eleven today, not tomorrow. I saw the spreadsheet on your computer, and it looks like you have it nailed already, so are you OK with that?” I don’t know what I am OK with, Lily thought. Am I OK with flying to Italy to stalk my straying husband? Is that what I am doing? Who in their right mind does that? But then again, the ghost of Paris-smelling Rose seemed to whisper

touching, hers slightly in front. Take away the fact that the children looked so much like Daniel, could these be the hips of two mere acquaintances? Lily looked closer, the whole photo was only the size of a playing card and the hips were all in one triangular half. Still, the woman appeared to be pressing into her husband’s groin. She was quite curvy, or hippy, really, if you were going to be critical. She would have trouble finding jeans to fit properly, which was maybe why she went for the

is!” He pushed a slice of the dark, toffee-smelling pie across the breakfast counter to Lily and to her surprise, her mouth watered at the sight of it. “I’m sorry but I don’t really do desserts,” she said. “But it’s breakfast!” “Well, I especially don’t do desserts for breakfast” “Lily, if you are going to stay in Italy, you need to appreciate that we eat desserts all day long.” “Well, I can appreciate that without eating it,” she laughed. “But why wouldn’t you?” Alessandro was genuinely

looking at him now with such confidence, such faith, looking at him the way she used to look at him long ago when their future was full of undashed hope and limitless possibilities. The truth was, if he discounted all the things he had done wrong and all the things she had, he still felt the same way about her. But now there was this baby and it would be between them forever, reminding them of all their foolishness and the heartbreak it had caused. “I know what you’re thinking,” Lily told him.

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