DNS and BIND on IPv6

DNS and BIND on IPv6

Cricket Liu

Language: English

Pages: 54

ISBN: 1449305199

Format: PDF / Kindle (mobi) / ePub

If you're preparing to roll out IPv6 on your network, this concise book provides the essentials you need to support this protocol with DNS. You'll learn how DNS was extended to accommodate IPv6 addresses, and how you can configure a BIND name server to run on the network. This book also features methods for troubleshooting problems with IPv6 forward- and reverse-mapping, and techniques for helping islands of IPv6 clients communicate with IPv4 resources.

Topics include:

  • DNS and IPv6—Learn the structure and representation of IPv6 addresses, and the syntaxes of AAAA and PTR records in the ip6.arpa IPv6 reverse-mapping zone
  • BIND on IPv6—Use IPv6 addresses and networks in ACLs, and register and delegate to IPv6-speaking name servers
  • Resolver Configuration—Configure popular stub resolvers (Linux/Unix, MacOS X, and Windows) to query IPv6-speaking name servers
  • DNS64—Learn about the transition technology that allows clients with IPv6-only network stacks to communicate with IPv4 servers
  • Troubleshooting—Use the nslookup and dig troubleshooting tools to look up the IPv6 addresses of a domain name, or reverse-map an IPv6 address to a domain name











specify any ACL you like as an argument. Here’s an example: dns64 64:ff9b::/96 { clients { 2001:db8:cafe:1::/64; }; }; As always, it’s a good idea to use named ACLs whenever possible for clarity. There are also IPv4 networks that you may not want mapped into IPv6 addresses by DNS64. For example, if you run a DNS64 function to give your IPv6-only clients access to the IPv4 Internet, you don’t want to embed any RFC 1918 addresses that name servers on the Internet might inadvertently return. To

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will use dynamic update to register their own AAAA and PTR records, or else you’re going to wear out the period key on your keyboard. If you’re going to add a lot of PTR records to an IPv6 reverse-mapping zone by hand, it’s a good idea to make liberal use of the $ORIGIN control statement. For example, you could rewrite those last two PTR records as: $ORIGIN 3.d PTR suckerpunch.v6.movie.edu. 4.d PTR super8.v6.movie.edu. The

all-subnet-but-terminator { !2001:db8:cafe:1::1; 2001:db8:cafe:1::/64; }; The built-in localhost and localnets ACLs have also been enhanced: localhost now includes all of the host’s IPv6 addresses as well as its IPv4 addresses. (Note that this typically includes both a link-local address and a global unicast address on a name server configured to run over IPv6.) localnets includes IPv4 and IPv6 networks connected to the host, providing the operating system supports determining the prefix length

IPv6 loopback address, of course: nameserver ::1 Mac OS X With Mac OS X, resolver configuration is done in System Preferences. Click on System Preferences, then on Network (under the Internet & Wireless category). To configure the name servers you use when connected via AirPort, click on AirPort in the list of network interfaces on the left, then click on the Advanced... button at the lower right. In the window that appears, click on the DNS tab. The resulting window should look like

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