Deleuze and New Technology (Deleuze Connections EUP)

Deleuze and New Technology (Deleuze Connections EUP)

Language: English

Pages: 288

ISBN: 0748633383

Format: PDF / Kindle (mobi) / ePub

Explores how Deleuze's philosophy can help us to understand our digital and biotechnological futuresIn a world where our lives are increasingly mediated by technologies, we need to pay more attention to Deleuze's often explicit focus on our reliance on the machine and the technological. These essays are a collective and determined effort to explore the usefulness Deleuze in thinking about our present and future reliance on technology. At the same time, they take seriously a style of thinking that negotiates between philosophy, science and art.ContributorsWilliam Bogard, Abigail Bray, Ian Buchanan, Verena Conley, Ian Cook, Tauel Harper, Timothy Murray, Saul Newman, Luciana Parisi, Patricia Pisters, Mark Poster, Horst Ruthrof, David Savat, Bent Meier Sørensen and Eugene Thacker.





















assemblage becomes territorial on account of a mixture of chaos, organisation and change. However, 'these are not three successive moments in an evolution. They are three aspects of a single thing, the Refrain (ritournelle) ' (Deleuze and Guattari 1 9 8 7: 3 12). As we move along the folder, scurrying like an unemployed, the condi­ tions the client has to live up to in order to receive her unemployment benefits become specified. They range from the imperative that 'the client must be registered

despite the rapid amount of wild flow that surrounds it. Indeed as Deleuze and Guattari argue, the state acts to territorialise as many flows as possible. Even as the axio­ matic of capitalism continues to break down all codes, the state manages to reterritorialise flows in such a way as to preserve its own being (Deleuze and Guattari 2004b: 560). It does this by creating striations in the state assemblage - assembling arborescent expert structures and extending the connections between the state

and in the deterritori­ alisations that occur upon it to develop lines of flight. These smooth spaces are rhizomatic, they don't feature the striation of arborescent assemblages and thus their acts of deterritorialisation suggest numerous opportunities for rhizomatic connections and numerous lines of flight. In opposition to the state, the smooth, nomadic space of the political assemblage can be conceived as community. Compared to the state, a community is a rhizome. Rather than depending upon an

desiring machines in order to become-rhizomatic, become-political. 12 1 38 Deleuze and New Technology The Dangers Before concluding that what remains before us is the inevitable develop­ ment of an emancipatory techno-political programme, we would do well to remind ourselves of the four dangers - fear, clarity, power and the great disgust (Deleuze and Guattari 2004b: 250-5 ) . These present real threats to a techno-political programme of emancipation and should be used to moderate any

Antonin Artaud is the source of the phrase 'body without organs' his work plays only a very small part in its theorisation as a concept. This is not to say that Artaud is unimportant to Deleuze and Guattari, but the truth is they tend to treat his work as pre-philosophical, as a source of symptoms or ideas rather than con­ cepts. Moreover, focusing on Artaud reinforces the misperception that the body without organs is the exclusive preserve of individuals. Correcting this view requires that we

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