Creating Mobile Apps with jQuery Mobile - Second Edition

Creating Mobile Apps with jQuery Mobile - Second Edition

Andy Matthews

Language: English

Pages: 258

ISBN: 1783555114

Format: PDF / Kindle (mobi) / ePub

Create fully responsive and versatile real-world apps for smartphones with jQuery Mobile 1.4.5

About This Book

  • Learn how to integrate advanced features such as Geolocation, HTML 5 Video, and the Web Audio API into your web application
  • Enhance your efficiency by automating repetitive tasks with the Grunt task runner
  • Effortlessly blend and integrate jQuery Mobile with existing WordPress, Drupal, and HarpJS projects

Who This Book Is For

This book assumes a basic level of experience with standard web development. If you've used jQuery Mobile before, you're good to go. Otherwise, you can pick it up along the way.

What You Will Learn

  • Check and monitor the user's position with the Geolocation API
  • Automate repetitive tasks with Grunt
  • Integrate your jQuery Mobile app into popular content management systems such as WordPress, Drupal, and HarpJS
  • Incorporate third-party APIs such as Google's Analytics, Maps, and Feeds
  • Leverage HTML5 video and audio, including a jQuery Mobile player interface
  • Auto validate your mobile forms with jQuery Validate on both page-by-page and multi-page views
  • Use jQuery Mobile to create a fully responsive web design for photographers using the lightGallery plugin

In Detail

jQuery Mobile is a mobile-centric web framework developed by the jQuery team. The project focuses on building a framework compatible with the ever-increasing variety of smartphones and tablet computers on the market. The jQuery Mobile framework plays well with other frameworks and platforms, such as PhoneGap and Backbone.

Automate repetitive tasks easily and painlessly with the Grunt task runner, build a fully responsive, gorgeous photography website, and learn how to mix and match jQuery Mobile 1.4.5 into existing websites and how to deploy those changes to content management systems such as WordPress, Drupal, and HarpJS. jQuery Mobile aims to reach everyone, and so does this book. It will enhance your mobile knowledge and help you to create versatile, unique sites quickly and easily.



















with old best practices then perhaps they should sell their car, and get a horse and buggy. • Industry standards: Industry standards are the crutch upon which the rest of the world tries to hobble along while trying not to fall too far behind the innovators. Good is often the enemy of great. Don't settle for it. • Violating user's expectations: If we tell our users that we're going to send them a free MP3 player and we send them a 128 GB iPad 4, have we violated their expectations? Yep! Think

know the tricks to squeeze the most performance out of your systems. It's never too early to impress people with the performance of your creations. Mobile is a very unforgiving environment and some of the tips in this section will make more difference than any of the "best coding practices." From a performance perspective, there is absolutely nothing worse than an HTTP request. That's why CSS sprites are a good idea. Every request we make slows us down because the TCP/IP protocol assumes that

tracking. The jQM team is working on that but it will be a while until the needed technology is present on all devices. Instead, just pull the URL to track from the data-url attribute of the jQM page. If you dynamically create your pages, this is where you would also put the custom name for your page for tracking purposes. If you're using multi-page templates, each page's ID will be tracked as the page view. We really haven't done much analytics work yet, but let's look at some of the insights we

place. [ 179 ] Integrating jQuery Mobile into Existing Sites This file is test.html in the code files package for the chapter:

bring up the specified location in the native interface which will allow for turn-by-turn navigation. That changed in iOS 6 but we'll get to that later. As an added bonus, in case users don't want to go to the physical location, let's throw a telephone link on the button labeled Call for delivery. Note the different thicknesses of lines. Also, a touch of color and our typical drop shadows. Adding these little details are not particularly hard and can make a big difference. All of the Call

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