Automating System Administration with Perl: Tools to Make You More Efficient

Automating System Administration with Perl: Tools to Make You More Efficient

David N. Blank-Edelman

Language: English

Pages: 670

ISBN: 059600639X

Format: PDF / Kindle (mobi) / ePub

If you do systems administration work of any kind, you have to deal with the growing complexity of your environment and increasing demands on your time. Automating System Administration with Perl, Second Edition, not only offers you the right tools for your job, but also suggests the best way to approach specific problems and to securely automate recurring tasks. Updated and expanded to cover the latest operating systems, technologies, and Perl modules, this edition of the "Otter Book" will help you:
  • Manage user accounts
  • Monitor filesystems and processes
  • Work with configuration files in important formats such as XML and YAML
  • Administer databases, including MySQL, MS-SQL, and Oracle with DBI
  • Work with directory services like LDAP and Active Directory
  • Script email protocols and spam control
  • Effectively create, handle, and analyze log files Administer network name and configuration services, including NIS, DNS and DHCP
  • Maintain, monitor, and map network services, using technologies and tools such as SNMP, nmap, libpcap, GraphViz and RRDtool
  • Improve filesystem, process, and network security

This edition includes additional appendixes to get you up to speed on technologies such as XML/XPath, LDAP, SNMP, and SQL. With this book in hand and Perl in your toolbox, you can do more with less--fewer resources, less effort, and far less hassle.
















file we're reporting on # a message so we can describe it return unless exists $targets->{$kind}; print "\nThe following are most likely $message:\n"; } foreach my $path ( keys %{ $targets->{$kind} } ) { $tempsize += $targets->{$kind}{$path}; $path =~ s|^\./|~/|; # change the path for prettier output print "$path ($targets->{$kind}{$path} bytes)\n"; } print 'These files take up ' . BytesToMeg($tempsize) . "MB total.\n\n"; sub BytesToMeg { # convert bytes to X.XXMB return sprintf( "%.2f", (

you start talking about quotas in the current Windows-based operating systems. On the basic level, each NTFS filesystem can enforce quotas on a per-user, per-volume basis (i.e., a particular user can use only X amount of space on volume Y). The users can either be local to the machine or be found in Active Directory. Windows Server 2003R2 enhances this model by offering per-volume and per-folder quotas that are not tied to individual users. The second layer to the quota story comes into play when

Johnston, Tom Limoncelli, John A. Montgomery, Jr., Chris Nandor, Michael Peppler, Michael Stok, and Nathan Torkington. Thanks to the O’Reilly staff: to Rhon Porter for his illustrations, to Hanna Dyer and Lorrie LeJeune for the most amazing cover animal, and to the O’Reilly production staff. I am still thankful to Linda Mui, my editor for the first edition, whose incredible skill, finesse, and care allowed me to birth this book and raise it in a good home. Thanks to my spiritual community:

specific object or container of objects that contains the information you seek, while with the latter you construct a SQLlike‡ query that returns a result set of objects containing your desired data. We’ll give a simple example of each approach so you can see how they work. The Perl code that follows does not appear to be particularly complex, so you may wonder about the earlier “gets very complex very quickly” description. The code looks simple because: • We’re only scratching the surface of

Blank-Edelman (dnb) on Tue May 19 19:34:16 2007 ---------------------------revision 1.4 date: 2007/05/19 23:34:05; author: eviltwin; state: Exp; lines: +1 −1 Converted by Divad Knalb-Namlede (eviltwin) on Tue May 19 19:34:05 2007 ---------------------------revision 1.3 date: 2007/05/19 23:33:35; author: dnb; state: Exp; lines: +20 −0 Converted by David N. Blank-Edelman (dnb) on Tue May 19 19:33:16 2007 This example doesn’t show much of a difference between file versions (see the lines: part of

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