Acorna's Search

Acorna's Search

Anne McCaffrey, Elizabeth Ann Scarborough

Language: English

Pages: 352

ISBN: 0552150762

Format: PDF / Kindle (mobi) / ePub

Acorna's people, the Linyaari, are once more without a home. Though they survived the brutal attack from the cold-blooded Khleevi, the battle left their planet, narhii-Vhiliinyar, horribly scarred. Banding together, the Linyaari decide to rebuild both narhii-Vhiliinyar and their original homeworld, Vhiliinyar. But just as work begins to get under way Linyaari begin mysteriously disappearing - including Acorna's lifemate, Aari. Searching for Aari, Acorna makes an astonishing discovery: the remains of the subterranean world of the legendary Friends - a technologically advanced society that populated Vhiliinyar before the time of the Ancestors. What happened to the Friends? Where did they go and why has so little remained of their society? Acorna knows that to save Aari and the rest of the missing Linyaari she must begin to seek the answers - a quest that will once again take her deep into the realms of space to find the origins of her people...




















those of the race we call the Ancestral Friends and there were, after the Rescue, the Ancestors here on the face of this planet along with the plants and all of the creatures unable to share their mind’s thoughts. About this time we have only the stories the Ancestors handed down to us, and much speculation. None of the Ancestors alive today were alive then, nor were their dams or sires, or their dams or sires for many generations back. “So if what I say now shocks you, Maati, for I know that

the poor girl. Of course it took more than that, sweetheart, there was a lot of scientific tinkering involved in getting from us and them to you. We were alien lifeforms to each other initially, after all.” “She also mentioned—after we found an artifact—that there were once another kind of Linyaari—sii-Linyaari, I believe she said. They lived in the oceans. She told us that they’d been gone for some time, that they vanished one day long ago.” “Is that what she said?” one of the Grandmothers

look for the clues she sought in them. She knew that somewhere within them, within this place, lay the secret of the disappearances of her lover, her aunt, her friends. But the clues contained in the words fell away from her like a planet’s face falling from view when a vessel launched into space. She slipped, her feet flying out from under her, and connected with something that tumbled down the sliding stones with her. The something was RK, of course, and he didn’t like being ignored and then

RK dug his claws in. Mac was not. RK followed Becker. It was about time to re-mark his territory anyway. “Mr. Harakamian, there’s a relay from Vhiliinyar. Captain Becker wishes to speak to you personally.” Hafiz graciously indicated that the underling should activate the nearest com link. He was in his personal garden, surveying the progress of his Kardadistanian Rhodamians, whose bright red blossoms were being coaxed into bloom by his gardening staff. “Hafiz? Becker here,” a disembodied

Acorna’s Quest by Anne McCaffrey and Margaret Ball Acorna by Anne McCaffrey and Margaret Ball See Also Anne McCaffrey’s The Unicorn Girl An illustrated novel featuring stories by Mickey Zucker Reichert, Jody Lynn Nye, and Roman A. Ranieri Copyright This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events, locales,

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