Absolute C++ (5th Edition)

Absolute C++ (5th Edition)

Language: English

Pages: 984

ISBN: 013283071X

Format: PDF / Kindle (mobi) / ePub

&>NOTE: You are purchasing a standalone product; MyProgrammingLab does not come packaged with this content. If you would like to purchase both the physical text and MyProgrammingLab search for ISBN-10: 0132989921/ISBN-13: 9780132989923. That package includes ISBN-10: 013283071X/ISBN-13: 9780132830713 and ISBN-10: 0132846578/ISBN-13: 9780132846578.

MyProgrammingLab should only be purchased when required by an instructor.


Praised for providing an engaging balance of thoughtful examples and explanatory discussion, best-selling author Walter Savitch explains concepts and techniques in a straightforward style using understandable language and code enhanced by a suite of pedagogical tools. Absolute C++ is appropriate for both introductory and intermediate C++ programmers.


This edition is available with MyProgrammingLab, an innovative online homework and assessment tool. Through the power of practice and immediate personalized feedback, MyProgrammingLab helps students fully grasp the logic, semantics, and syntax of programming.





















contains statements that output the values of five or six variables that have been defined, but not initialized. Compile and run the program. What is the output? Explain. www.itpub.net Variables, Expressions, and Assignment Statements Assignment Compatibility As a general rule, you cannot store a value of one type in a variable of another type. For example, most compilers will object to the following: int intVariable; intVariable = 2.99; assigning int values to double variables The problem

Preface VIDEO NOTES VideoNote VideoNotes are step-by-step videos that guide readers through the solution to an end of chapter problem or further illuminate a concept presented in the text. Icons in the text indicate where a VideoNote enhances a topic. Fully navigable problems allow for self-paced instruction. VideoNotes are located at www.pearsonhighered.com/savitch. OTHER FEATURES Pitfall sections, programming technique sections, and examples of complete programs with sample input and output

using at least two functions: int humanTurn(int humanTotalScore); int computerTurn(int computerTotalScore); These functions should perform the necessary logic to handle a single turn for either the computer or the human. The input parameter is the total score for the human or computer. The functions should return the turn total to be added to the total score upon completion of the turn. For example, if the human rolls a 3 and 6 and then holds, then humanTurn should return 9. However, if the

which means you can reuse names that have strong intuitive appeal across a variety of situations. For example, you could have three functions called max: one that computes the larger of two numbers, another that computes the largest of three numbers, and yet another that computes the largest of four numbers. Giving two (or more) function definitions for the same function name is called overloading the function name. Introduction to Overloading Suppose you are writing a program that requires you

2 3 //Illustrates overloading the function name ave. #include using namespace std; 4 5 6 7 8 double ave(double n1, double n2); //Returns the average of the two numbers n1 and n2. 9 10 11 12 int main( ) { cout << "The average of 2.0, 2.5, and 3.0 is " << ave(2.0, 2.5, 3.0) << endl; double ave(double n1, double n2, double n3); //Returns the average of the three numbers n1, n2, and n3. 13 14 cout << "The average of 4.5 and 5.5 is " << ave(4.5, 5.5) << endl; 15 16 } 17 18 19 20

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